Minilan- Bump Parts 1 & 2

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Simon's P.O.V.

I first noticed the changes when he started getting sick. It was like clockwork, he threw up every morning for an entire week and although he kept insisting that it was just a stomach bug and we shouldn't worry, once it passed a week and a half I knew something was up.

I started to get really worried and I considered telling him that it would be a good idea to go to the hospital, because you shouldn't be sick for a week and a half without something being wrong.

It was hard for him to hide things from me, even when he was at home in Australia, because he was my boyfriend and he was really bad at keeping secrets. But ever since he had come back to London after being in Aussie for almost 8 months, something had changed.

Before he was childish, bright and happy all the time, put his opinion into ever conversation and wasn't afraid to get into things. But something happened between his last visit and now because now he barely wanted to look me in the eyes, hardly spoke, didn't seem to want to eat and was also sick.

He wasn't shy to tell me private things about his life, he told me about his parents and siblings, his family and his school life, the bullies and the bad times. The only thing he was shy about was his body. He didn't get changed in front of me, he locked the door when he had a shower, hell, I hadn't even seen him shirtless.

I didn't mind, I understood that he had been teased as a kid because of his body and even though I didn't know exactly why I respected that he didn't want to show me. I didn't push him, I knew that he would open up with time, just like he had with everything else.

We had been together for about a year and a half, we had got together when he came down to visit after several months of talking and shy flirting, mostly from my end. I had seen him only once between then and now, once when we got together, once about 9 months after we got together and now, after Lachlan had flown back up to London.

"Lachy?" His head looked up and he flinched. I sighed and sat down beside him, squeezing his hand. That something that had had happened between our last visit and now had made him nervous, he was jumpy and flinched at the slightest movement.

"Yeah?" He whispered, his eyes still on his phone.

"I need to talk to you Lachy, I'm getting really worried." His brow furrowed and he started to get worried, I could tell because he started biting on his lip and he looked down, unable to look me in the eyes.

"Lachlan." I whispered, tipping his chin up with one finger so he was looking at me. "Please. You're scaring me."

Almost at once the tears started forming in his eyes and I hugged him close, feeling the sobs wracking his body and the tears streamed down his cheeks. I knew I was getting somewhere, he knew what was wrong but didn't want to tell me.

"I'm scared Simon." He sobbed, his hands shaking as he tried to cling to me. "I don't know what to do."

"It's okay Lachlan, everything's okay... you can tell what's up because I don't care, I just need to know that you're okay and not really sick. You're worrying me because I know it's more than a stomach bug." He nodded.

"I- I'm not sick but-" He broke down into more tears, not even able to force the words from his mouth.

"If you aren't sick then how bad can it be sweetheart? It doesn't matter what it is, I'll always love you." He shook his head and it was then I started to get really worried.

"Did you kill someone?" I asked, a little jokingly. He shook his head. "Then it can't be that bad, can it?"

"It is-" He sobbed. "It's bad!"

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