Vikklan- Hickey

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I hummed, kicking my shoes off inside the front door and scrambling up the stairs into my bedroom. I was happy, I had spent the night at my boyfriends house and I was still living off the high from having been around him, his smell still engrained in my sweater.

We didn't see each other often, in person, despite the fact we lived in the same city, because neither of us were out to anyone and didn't particularly want to come out either, so we stayed hidden. And because none of my friends even knew my boyfriend lived in London, we couldn't exactly... tell anyone. They all thought he still lived in Australia.

I threw myself onto my bed tiredly, pulling my phone out of my pocket. The first thing I saw was a text.

Did you make it home safe? I smiled to myself, he always checked up on me to make sure that I was okay.

Yeah, literally just walked through the front door.

Awesome, wanna record later?

I'm down, give me half an hour.


I tossed my phone on my bed, heading into the shower to mentally prepare myself for a long day of recording.


"Yes!" Lachlan crowed. "I win! Take that Simon!"

I grinned to myself, my hands resting in my lap. I had been eliminated from the game a few minutes earlier and had been watching the fight between the two of them, silently cheering Lachlan in my head. Of course I was supporting my boyfriend.

Simon groaned, slamming his hands onto his keyboard.

"God damn you Lachlan! I was gonna kill you!" He let out his famous 'teehee' which I didn't hear very often, and his eyes lit up happily on the other side of the camera.

"You thought you were gonna kill me, but you didn'ttttttt!" He teased, a wide grin plastered on his face. "I won fair and square!"

"Fine!" Simon finally admitted after a few minutes of denial and demanding a rematch, hanging up the call as a sign of protest. I smiled at Lachlan, where he was still celebrating.

"I have to admit that was a pretty good kill Lachy, Simon'll be pissed for the rest of the day." He nodded.

"I know! Man I wish I could see his face! Tell me what happens later, okay?"

"Yeah, I wi-"

"Vikk?" Lachlan interrupted me, staring at the side of my neck. "You do realise you've had a hickey on your neck the whole time we were recording right?" My hand went up to my neck.

"-Shit, you aren't serious!?" I scrambled out of my chair and ran to the mirror in my bathroom, turning my head.

There was a huge bruise like mark on the side of my neck, obviously made by Lachlan the night before. I flushed red and groaned, touching the mark gently and knowing there was no way in hell that I could upload that video with facecam, because it was so obvious.

I sat back down at my computer with my head in my hands.

"I really want to hate you right now Lachy cause I know you knew about that." He grinned cheekily.

"That's not the only one you know, there's definitely some on your collarbones." I rolled my eyes. "But you enjoyed it, so I don't know why you're complaining."

"It's just the fact that it's completely ruined a video and there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to hide it." He shrugged and raised an eyebrow.

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