Vikklan- Homeless

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Vikk's P.O.V.

"I thought I could trust you!!!" He howled, throwing my belongings across the room. I flinched but didn't say anything, my hood up to block my head and eyes from his sight and my hands stuffed in my pockets, shoulders slumped. "You BITCH!!!"

He stormed over and slapped me, a red hand print showing up on my cheek with a sharp crack. I flinched and whimpered quietly, lowering my head.

"Get out." He said, pointing towards the front door. "You have 10 minutes to get your shit together."

He then left the room and although all I wanted to do was to collapse to the floor and sob, I knew I couldn't. I had to get out before he tried to kill me again so reluctantly, completely numb and blank, I grabbed a backpack and piled my most precious and useful belongings into it.

The first things were clothes, cash and my wallet, a first aid kit, toiletries, then my computer, phone and chargers. My favourite book and a little photo, a beanie and gloves, an extra pair of shoes. I pulled on a sweatshirt and a thick coat, a pair of trainers and sweatpants before taking one last look around the room.

I was just about to leave when he came back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" He screamed, spittle flying in my face. He grabbed my arm and forcefully tugged on it, sending me sprawling onto the ground, my bag falling from my back and my leg hitting the edge of the bed.

I couldn't help but start crying again, I was in pain, barely able to stand on my own and I knew I had to get up. I pushed myself up, back onto my feet and took the bag, practically running out of the front door. As one last act he grabbed my arm and slapped me across the face again, almost sending me sprawling onto the ground again but with the last of my strength I managed to stay upright.

"Get out." He hissed, throwing me out the front door by my hair.


I didn't know where I was going. I wandered around for hours, going in and out of different streets around town and desperately trying to avoid being seen by the same people so they didn't realise that I had nowhere to go.

Eventually, once the sun started to set, I slipped into an alleyway to settle for the night. I was exhausted and one of my eyes was beginning to close, the start of a black eye that I knew would take ages to fade.

I closed my eyes and slid down the wall, curling up into a little ball to fight off the cold. I was almost asleep when someone kicked my legs, dropping something pretty heavy on top of me.

"Out of the way kid. You're in my spot." I opened my eyes and looked up, seeing someone who was about the same age as me towering over me like a giant, having dumped his backpack on top of me. "Oh shit, sorry mate. Looks like you could use some help."

He had seen my black eye and sat down beside me, placing a hand on my knee.

"My name's Lachlan, what's yours?" I looked away and curled up even tighter, not trusting him. He looked similar to my boyfriend, or my ex boyfriend now, tall, blonde and lanky with bright, sky blue eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. "Not much of a talker hmmm?" He leaned back. "You escape a partner?"

I mumbled out a tiny yeah, nodding my head. He eyed my backpack, which was half the size of his.

"Right, I'm officially taking you under my wing. You ain't going to get very far on your own, especially if you have no idea what you're doing." He had a thick Australian accent mixed with a hint of American, telling me he was well travelled. "You gonna tell me your name now?"

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