The Sidemen House- Madagascar

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I sighed when I heard the boys yelling, covering my ears. I didn't like loud noises, I didn't like much actually, but loud noises was the worst thing and they knew it too. I pulled a blanket up over my head and tried to ignore their yelling.

JJ was the first one to notice that I wasn't downstairs. He pushed open my door and came and sat on the bed beside me, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"You okay Vikk?" I nodded, rubbing my eyes and leaning up against my boyfriends shoulder, his steady arm around me.

"Yeah I- I just don't like their yelling." I flinched as I heard Simon yell something again at Josh. JJ glared towards my door and squeezed me tighter.

"Honestly, they need to sort their issues out." He stated, hugging me.

Although Simon and Josh were close friends they argued a lot and it scared me, especially when it got close to physical violence on some occasions. It wasn't even over serious things, it was petty little things that no one should care about, but it got so heated that JJ sometimes had to go and talk some sense in them.

"I know." I mumbled. "They scare me sometimes." JJ rolled his eyes.

"I will go and whoop their asses once they're done and they can sleep on the couch tonight, let them reconcile. Maybe one day it'll get through their thick skulls that it scares you and that they shouldn't do it."

Slowly he stood up as the yelling started to fade, leaving me alone on the bed. I listened as his footsteps going down the stairs and then his raised voice, he wasn't quite yelling but it was close. His voice faded away and I knew he was still yelling but had moved out of my earshot.

A few minutes later Josh came up to my room. He sat down beside me.

"I'm so sorry Vikk I didn't mean to scare you." I nodded, accepting his apology. Josh was always the one to apologise first, Simon was so stubborn that he often couldn't realise that he was in the wrong and didn't apologise.

"It's okay Josh, Simon's just stubborn." He smiled.

"He'll come around eventually, and yes he is stubborn. He's still my best friend, even if we argue. JJ's still yelling at him by the way, maybe now he'll get the message." He rubbed my back gently. "Stop worrying Vikk, I know you're worrying. You're tense."

"You always know Josh, do you have a sixth sense or something?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Probably, yeah. I like to keep the peace, stay optimistic, and I can only do that if everyone else around me is okay." I smiled to myself, that was always his thing, making sure that everyone was upbeat and happy. JJ's was making sure they were okay and Simon- Simon was pretty annoying most of the time, but he was a good friend. We wouldn't be the same without him.

After a few minutes I slipped from Josh's arms and headed downstairs, him following close behind me. Although Simon was stubborn, if I went and confronted him he would realise what he was doing was wrong, and although he tended to be full of himself, if he knew he was wrong he would relent.

"You going to talk to him?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Keep JJ away will you? He'll come and sass Simon and I'd rather talk to him alone for a while." He nodded.

"Sure, Lord knows JJ'll want to go and protect his boyfriend from the asshole that is Simon at the moment." I rolled my eyes. JJ was sometimes a little too protective and even though we were all friends, he didn't like it when Simon got too energetic around me.

I went down the hallway and into Simon's room, where he was lying on his bed, one arm over his head.

"Si?" I sat down on the side of his bed. "Can we talk?"

"What's up Vikk?" He mumbled but he still didn't remove his arm from over his face. I poked his side, knowing that he would eventually remove his hand. He sighed. "What is it?"

"Si you can't keep avoiding it forever, you're scaring me." He looked up at me, his eyes wide and sad.

"I know Vikk and I'm really sorry, I don't mean it but honestly, I hate admitting when I'm wrong." I smiled, I was getting somewhere.

"You need to sort out your shit with Josh, he's your best friend and you can't keep fighting over the little things, it'll tear you apart." He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"I know, I know, I want to but I don't know how. I know I'm wrong and I'm the one who starts things pretty much all the time." I squeezed his hand.

"Josh is always going to be there for you Simon, he wants to keep the peace. You've been best friends for years and some stupid little arguments won't tear you apart, Josh won't let it, he'll be there when you need it." I nodded.

"I know he will be." He said, reflecting on his actions. "He's always been there for me, but I want to be there for him to."

"Be there then. Tell him you're in the wrong, apologize. I'm scared for you guys but you aren't going anywhere." He nodded, a determined look etched on his face.

"I'll try Vikk."


"People hated my last video!" I groaned. "Why do I keep doing this!"

JJ rolled his eyes a little, pulling out his phone.

"They didn't Vikk! It didn't do as well as some of the other videos but it didn't do badly! Stop worrying, you're making things up!" I sighed and rubbed my forehead, looking at the statistics of my video. There were less views and a slightly higher amount of dislikes than normal, but no hateful comments fortunately.

"There's more dislikes, look." I mumbled.

"Vikk, look at me. It's gonna happen sometimes and you've gotta get past it. Stop worrying, look at the good things, okay?" Gently, I nodded. I knew he was right but I couldn't help but to see the bad side all the time.

"I suppose."

He took my hand and pulled me downstairs, to get something to eat. I had thought Josh was recording and Simon was probably asleep but to my surprise, both of them were downstairs in the kitchen and to my even greater surprise, they were hugging.

They both looked happy and I lit up, knowing that Simon must have taken my advice and apologized and the two had made up. Simon grinned at me over Josh's shoulder.

"You have some solid advice sometimes Vikk." I grinned and JJ squeezed my side.

"Maybe you'll learn that we do want the best for you Simon, and it's also best to keep your head out of your ass." I raised one eyebrow and he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe. You'll see."

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