Chapter 11: Don't Get Too Close It's Dark Inside

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-Anthony's POV-
"Are you ready?!"
She yelled from the bathroom. "Not really" I thought.
"Yeah" I said. She walked out wearing a pink bikini that had white polka dots on it. I was sitting on the bed basically a wreck and I knew it was over then. She looked at me and froze standing there. Yep she clearly saw.
"Anthony." She said. I'm pretty sure she knew something was wrong.
"Yeah..?.." I said. She walked over and sat on the bed next to me. We looked at each other and our eyes locked. I looked down. It's over anyways.
"He hurts me." Is all I said.
"Your dad..?" She asked. How did she know?!
"Yeah." I said quietly.
"Let's get in the hot tub." She said. We both walked over and got in and it was really relaxing.
"So...why does he do that to you?" She asked.
"I don't know. He used to be fine but then my mom started working long hours and she was never home. And he started getting stressed from his job and he started drinking a ton of alcohol and he just takes everything out on me." But I kinda did know the real reason. It's because he wanted a kid to play football with and run races and all of the typical guy stuff.
"I'm so sorry."
"Yeah." She looked down at the water and picked up my hand then turned it over revealing my scars on my wrist. She looked at me with concerned eyes.
"And I get depressed and that happens." I said because I knew she would understand.
"Why don't you just get help?" She asked.
"I don't want to end up in like foster care or something because I know my mom would never leave him. And I even tried telling her one time and she thought I was lying and got mad at me. And sometimes it get's really bad and I have to go to school the day after and act like i'm totally fine and nothing ever happened when really it hurts my body just to walk because of how bad he hurts me."
I don't know how this happened but I started crying. And then she hugged me.
"Well I lied to you too." She said. Biggest surprise of the night.
"What about?" I asked.
"Well, uh, when I was younger one night someone broke into me,my mom, and my dad's house. But he wasn't there to steal anything. He went into my parents room. They woke up but my dad recognized the guy even though he was wearing a mask. He was a guy my dad used to work with. He had a gun and my mom started crying and I woke up and went into their room to see what was going on. And then the guy... Uhm.. He took the gun and he shot my mom and my dad. And he yelled and said if I told anyone who he was then he would kill me. I started crying and the neighbors had heard the gunshots and already called the police. They showed up and my parents got taken in on stretchers into the ambulance. Apparently the shots had killed them both instantly. Now I live with my aunt which isn't all that bad but I sometimes have flashbacks of what happened and I get panic attacks because i'm scared he is going to find me and kill me too. He's in jail but I don't know i'm just so stressed out." She said crying.
"Omg.. I had no idea Emily. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
"I am too."

We talked for hours about life and I was glad to get it out to someone. We went to bed at around 6:00 am. The hotel room only had one bed but we didn't really care. We slept together which sounds really weird but it wasn't like that at all. "Night, Em."
"Nigh, Anth."

"Anthony?" She said.
"Yeah?" I said back.
"I love you."
"I love you too." We didn't say what we meant by that but it didn't need to be said. She was my everything by this point. She now knew all of my secrets and I'm pretty sure I knew all of hers. She was my best friend and I loved that.

-GUYS!! Omg this chapter was deep and i will update pretty soon again. I love you guys <3 :D -

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