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"Ari!" Dad says. I see his face, his smile, his everything. It's all too real. "We did it, darling. We finished!"

"Finished what, daddy?" I ask. I am six years old. I trot towards my father, outstretching my arms. He picks me up.

"The album. We finished and its beautiful," he tells me. "Just like you," he pokes my nose and I erupt into a fit of laughter. 

As quickly as my laughter starts it ends as the scene changes. I'm at the cemetery, staring at his headstone. There is nobody there; just me and the stone. I place a small palm on it and look up towards the trees, where I see the back of a man walking away - my father. I scream and scream for him but he never turns around.

I jolt upright, screaming and sweating. My fingers are tangled in my hair as I pull at it. It was just a dream, I tell myself. 

"Ari, are you okay?" A panicked voice voice asks next to me. It's Ben. I forgot he stayed. 

"I- I just had a bad dream. I'm okay," I tell him, my breath shaky. No matter how often I have these nightmares, I'll never fully get used to them. Each one is uniquely scary. 

Ben moves closer to me and wraps his arms around my body to keep me calm. His touch soothes me. I feel my heart rate decrease as I melt into him. 

"What time is it?" I ask softly. 

Ben cranes his neck to look at the clock not he table next to him. 

"Almost seven in the morning," he responds. 

My mind is thinking about everything all at once. I have work today. So does Ben, I think. I have to be in at ten - Ben at noon. 

"I'm glad I woke up, because I almost forgot I have work," I say, laughing slightly to lighten the mood. 

"Me too," Ben whispers. He laughs. I feel his hot breath against the top of my head. 

I lean further into Ben. This feels - I don't know - right. It just feels like this is where I am supposed to be. In Ben's arms. 

As I'm enjoying his touch, I also find that a headache is coming on strong. The light hurts my eyes as the sun rises further into the sky. I close my eyes.

"Ben," I say.


"I am hungover,"

Ben laughs. "You were pretty drunk last night,"

I don't really remember much of last night. I remember having fun with Lucy, Rami, Gwilym, and Joe but the rest is a blur. I barely remember how I got back home. 

"Can you pass me my phone?" I ask. I think I put it on the table next to Ben.

He reaches over and grabs it, handing it to me. "I didn't even realize that was there," he says.

I unlock it only to find what seems like hundreds of messages.

Lucy: Ariiii be careful!!

Rami: A B O R T

Rami: do not give in to your sexual desires

Gwilym: Let us know you got in safely

Lucy: Joseph just puked everywhere

Joe: The vomit justncane ogg like lava

I read the first couple that came in and quickly reply to all of them letting them know that I am okay. It's ironic how we went out to avoid feelings yet here I am, literally being held by the man I am falling for. It's funny how life works. 

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