A Patch of Sky

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The Celestial Palace

Ci Hang and his old friends Mo Yuan and Di Jun had charted the skies many millennia go and with the birth of each Heavenly child, the co-ordinates for their star or in some cases, stars, were entered into the chronicles for future prosperity.  Now heading to the archives to study the ancient charts that had been sitting idle for centuries, he was surprised to find Di Jun pouring over the exact same charts he was planning on studying, and not only was his face unusually expressive, but he didn't seem to notice his entry.

"Di Jun?" he called out as he made his way towards him.

"Ci Hang.  What bring you here?" he asked without looking up, even though he too was surprised to see him there.  Very few visited the archives these days, and only when an important issue arose.

"The star charts you are looking at." he said with a small smile.

Finally looking up, Di Jun caught a glimpse of excitement in those dark eyes before it was quickly drawn back and that had him knowing in an instant that Ci Hang was aware of something and possibly what he was suspecting.

"Is there a new star to add?" he asked tilting his head a little to the side at him.  'Or one hidden' he wondered to himself

"I am sure in time there will be." he replied which could mean anything at all.  Ye Hua was gone, but that did not mean there would not be a future heir to the throne which was what had brought him to the archives.  

Actually there were two reason  The first being a flash from a old star in the sky.  It was weak, but it was there when he knew it shouldn't have been.  The second was a flash from a new star in an area where of the sky where it also should not have been and not only that, it was sitting directly between two stars that should not have been there.

Looking hard at him, Di Jun was the only God in all the Heavens that Ci Hang trusted enough to perhaps share his suspicions with, but he needed to check the sky charts to see if what he had seen was in fact what he thought it was, but the look on Di Juns face, told him that he too was aware of something.  Whether it was what he was thinking, he couldn't tell, but he had to know.

"May I ask why the interest in those particular charts Di Jun?" he asked cautiously.

Di Jun considered his question thoughtfully and with just as much caution.  There had been whisperings that Ye Hua had perhaps not died, but there had been hundreds of witnesses that said he had.  Only there had been no Heavenly sign of his death other than the disappearance of his star and if anyone knew how to make a star disappear, it was Ci Hang.  Only it was ancient knowledge that he shared with no one.  Or had he?  he wondered as his eyes remained fixed to his face.  

When Father Immortal died, the skies had darkened, lightening flared across all four seas and eight lands for weeks and the rainbow birds disappeared from Mount Junji and did not reappear until the birth of Ye Hua.  And when Mo Yuan died, the exact same event took place.  However, no such event happened for Ye Hua and though he had suspicions of his origins, a Heavenly event should have occurred regardless.  Even Haodes passing would cause an event because both men were Heavens chosen.

But looking at the boys old Spiritual Master, Di Jun wondered how much of his suspicions he should mention, because if he was hiding something, he absolutely would not tell anyone, even him if he did not want to.  But needing some confirmation he tentatively questioned him.

"It would seem strange that Heavens chosen one would leave no mark to honour his passing.  Dont' you think?" he asked.  

If Di Jun was expecting a reaction, he didn't get one.  Ci Hangs face remained just as impassive as his own.  This was a trait all the old Gods utilized having learned over many millennia to keep their thoughts to themselves, that way no mistakes or wrong impressions could be made.

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