The Awakening

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The Celestial Heavens

Shackled to the cell wall and terrified, Cheng Yu tried her best to help the smaller woman beside her by sending out a little of her own energy to dull the pain, but the lashes fell heavily and excrutiatingly slow.  These guards were obviously used to their jobs because they knew exactly where on the body to lash, in order to cause the most amount of pain.  And no amount of begging from Cheng Yu would see them ease up.

"She is Ye Hua, the Crown Princes wife you fools.  He is still alive, and he will be returning for her."  she screamed at them only to watch on as they continued at their slow torturous pace. 

"That Prince died.  For lying you get double." They laughed in her face.

And no sooner were the words out of their mouths, then the tolling of that Bell reached even them.

"That Bell belongs to Kunlun Mountain, it is ringing in the return of High God Mo Yuan.  She is his Seventeenth Disciple, do you really think you will live to see the end of this day if you don't stop hurting her?" Cheng Yu tried again to no avail.  What was upsetting her more, was they had yet to touch her.  They had both immediately taken to lashing out at Su Su and though she was positive Su Jin did not mean for them to be punished separately, they were enjoying themselves regardless.

They could see that the older woman that they knew was sending her a little of her energy to help her cope, but even so, it wasn't enough to take the pain entirely, not when they knew their lashes were causing the small woman immense agony.  Only she made no noise, she didn't even look at them and if anyone was frightened at that moment it was them.

It was most unusual, because not only was the dot on her head lit up and throbbing in the middle of her head, but it seemed as if she were merely sleeping her way through it.  Though of course she wasn't.  Her mind had closed down briefly and with Cheng Yus energy to aide her, she soon found herself talking to Di Jun in her mind. 

 He had immediately risen from his bed the moment the Bell of Kunlun rang out and no sooner was he made aware of the fact that both Su Su and Cheng Yu were prisoners of the Celestial Palace he took it upon himself to make contact with her.  Now that she was in their world, this was much easier for him to do and though he did not have a lot of energy to manage it for too long, it was enough to inform her that they were all aware of her plight and to remain strong.

Di Jun was now also aware that she really was Queen Bai Qian, so this was the added incentive for him to assist her until they could get to the Palace.  In his own mind, he could feel her growing stronger, which meant that the seal was possibly breaking and that meant her bound powers were pushing through, and on a hunch, he gave her a small spell to repeat.  If the seal wa close to breaking, then it meant her bound powers might be showing through enough for it to work.

"Just continue to repeat the spell.  It will take much of the pain until we get there." he said softly into her mind though if her powers were visible yet, then she at least had something else to focus on.

"Please hurry....." she whispered back.

"Mo Yuan is now awake, we are on........." he almost got out before his head rocked violently from a blood curdling scream that erupted moments before the connection was lost.


Kunlun Mountain

Sitting beside his brother, Ye Huas eyes were drenched in tears and his face a mask of awe as Mo Yuan took his first breaths.  

"Your brother?" Zhe Yan asked finding a little energy to lift his head and stare at him while Ci Hang quickly lowered himself to the body.  

"I saw his entire life in my mind as I dragged his soul pieces into his body, I saw that we are Twins." he replied in a rush of breath and tears while watching as Ci Hang gently shook Mo Yuans shoulder.

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