A Hidden Force

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On her knees in tears with their son cradled in her arms, Bai Qians harsh sobbing was the only sound in that large gold guilded cage, a cage she thought would suffocate them all.  The noise hung suspended for several minutes as every witness there stared in disbelief at Haode, Lord Pua, Mo Yuan and then Ye Hua while wondering what the hell just happened.

Of course he should punished, but a death sentence?  Her crying was all that Ye Hua focused on as his head hung lower.  He already knew what his punishment would be, but naively, he had hoped that his brother or Grandfather would find a way around it, but he should have known better.  The Heavens itself wrote the punishments for desertion of the three highest posts.  That being the Heavenly Overlord, The Crown Prince and Lord Puas post as overseer of all punishments.  Nothing could be done so he didn't didn't bother crying or begging for his life, instead his arm reached out to gently pull her into his arms and as his head lay itself down on the top of hers, in the middle of the Parlour while surrounded by the worlds leaders, he fully blocked them all out to focus solely on her even if it was just for a few minutes.

On his knees in front of them Haode remained for a few seconds longer with his hand on Ye Huas shoulder before rising to his feet and taking a few steps back to look at the small family that Ye Hua had risked it all for.  None there were left in any doubt as to his love for this woman and child, and to everyone there, it really did seem so unfair.  A few extra lightening bolts were more than sufficient to appease the Upper Heavens surely, but they like Ye Hua, knew this was one punishment that could not be prevented even if every witness there threw themselves on the rock to appease them.

Eventually Haode gave the order to clear the Parlour of everyone that did not need to be there and as the Leaders all rose to leave far more subdued than when they arrived, it was then that Bai Qian finally found her voice having cried long and hard enough.

Her family were still there and though Bai Zhen and Bai Yi left as ordered, her parents did not, knowing that she might need their assistance when it came time to take Ye Hua away.  

"Who the hell decides who lives or dies?" Bai Qians voice rang out in disgust as she rose unsteadily to her feet and forcing Ye Hua up with her.

This was the exact reason why her parents had chosen to remain because they knew if anyone was going to question his punishment, then it would be her.  But rather than address the sudden look of shock on Haodes face who had immediately turned his gaze on Bai Zhi in the hope that he would step in and control his daughter, they instead stood either side of her and returned the glare.

"Queen Bai Qian.  The Heavens have ruled, we have no say in the matter." Lord Pua replied for him and turning his own glare on her.  Normally a quiet man who did not make any judgements unless required to do so, he could not help but feel affronted by the way she looked at him accusingly as if he himself should be on trial.

But she cared nothing for their rules and so called laws, not when her own people lived by simple rules and hurt no one in the process.   That they would not fight for a boy they obviously cared about considering the sadness in all of their eyes including Shifu who had also moved  towards her, only increased her anger while Ye Hua turned towards her with every intention of stepping in if he had to.

"You have no say Lord Pua?" she asked incredulously.  "Yet you just stood there passing out punishment as if you were taking a leisurely stroll.  Who the hell are you to judge Ye Hua when it is your own rigid rules that forced him to break boundaries.  And all because he fell in love with me.  I am not some low inconsequential Immortal whose voice holds no sway.  I am a Queen in my own right, one who does not need an alliance with you Celestials.  I am a woman who has the ability to break every single one of your rules and there is nothing you can do about it, yet not once was I or our son taken into consideration!" she screamed at him and forcing Ye Hua to quickly jump in and her parents to quickly pull her back seeing as she looked as if she was going to attack him.

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