A Little Victory

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The marriage of the Crown Prince of the Celestial Heavens to the Queen of Qing Qiu was a quiet affair and as simple as she was.  Notification was given only after the event in order to keep it small and private and not only was it kept to Qing Qius matrimonial rites and protocols, but attending was immediate family only including Lady Le Xu who really didn't mind the lack of glamour and pomp, though she was disappointed that it wasn't held in the Celestial Heavens which she had privately argued for only to be told to accept it or don't attend.

But of course she attended, after all she was Ye Huas mother.  Their wedding would already cause gossip and rumours and for her to not attend would have only added to it.  And rather than a bridal party to collect the bride, she joined the few Celestials before cloud jumping directly to Qing Qiu where they were met by Mo Yuan and his Disciples who she was told was extended family of the Fox Clan and a simple but beautifully decorated wedding arena which was set up beside the lake.

Zhe Yan had gifted enormous pots filled with Peach Trees which added to the beautiful blossoms covering the entire lake that he also decorated and with the altar facing the lake, the site was almost similar to his own Jade Lake which was always covered in petals.

To Bai Qians mind, the wedding ceremony was a mere formality that would allow Ye Hua to legally take a wife under his own laws, however, she was not an overly happy bride as she still felt as if she was being coerced into doing something she considered unnecessary and it was only for Ye Huas benefit that she conceded even though everyone else seemed to find enjoyment out of it.

Beside her, Ye Hua could feel the resentment pouring off her as could her family who knew her best and this was made more evident when it came to repeating the exact same words they had given to each other the first time.  Her tone was almost blunt, and each word sounded forced but she did get through the long and meaningful speech while doing her best to keep her hands folded in front of her rather than clenched.  He understood it, and if he'd had a choice, he would have refused, after all he too had deemed their first wedding legitimate.  

But if she was feeling resentful, then so was he.  The multitude of rules and protocols that governed everything he did and said, was the main reason why he had fled in the first place and it was only for his Grandfather that he was even going ahead with it.  But like her, he went through the motions of what should have been the happiest day of their lives.

Of those present, his Grandfather was the one who could really feel the emotional turmoil he was in, and as he watched their heads lower, his own lowered with them as the reason for Ye Huas decision to leave weighed heavily on his mind which it had been since his Grandsons return.

He could not change the laws and nor could he force his Grandson into obeying them, but he could twist them a little should he need to in the future because it was only just dawning on him how loathe the boy was to a life he really hadn't been given any real choice in.  He himself had led his every step and forced his own ideals on the boy in order to fulfil a fate which could have been managed much differently.

If anything, this wedding was made all the more sadder for it, because he could feel her loathing and resentment regardless of their immense love for each other.  But what had him sighing softly, was her insistence that the Celestial Heavens would never be home to her and this he too understood.  Afterall, the only memories she had of the Celestial Heavens was of Ye Huas trial and then death which had followed swiftly after. 

And having learned of every sacrifice she had made in order to protect Mo Yuan and then to bring back his Grandson, he couldn't help but feel immense admiration for her spirit, especially seeing as her trial had been exceptionally difficult for her along with the long lonely years she had endured without him.  And not only did she battle Su Jin and Qing Cang on top, she rid them all of their foul evil thus bringing them into a long period of peace, so of course his admiration and respect for the woman was exceptionally high, and in his eyes, there were few people in their world who deserved it.

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