Chapter 28

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"...Everybody gets high sometimes, you know What else can we do when we're feeling low?
So take a deep breath and let it go..."
~ Major Lazer ft. Justin Bieber & MØ

 Justin Bieber & MØ

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"We're here," Alec says. Reluctantly, I turn my head and look at the school I haven't been to in over two months. Everything is the same. Same parking lot and the same stares.

I open the door and exit the car. Kai walks around and stands next to me while Alec stands on the opposite side. Both stand by my side like bodyguards making me uncomfortable.

"I need my space, guys," I tell them distantly. My mind is too focused on the memories of my first day at this place to even put the slightest force behind my words. I still remember how angry I was when Cole trashed my car and Alice stepped in between us only to end up kneeing him.

"We discussed this, you stay within eye's view," Kai says. I roll my eyes and start to walk towards the main doors. Many of the kids standing outside, stop their conversations to watch me pass by. They incoherent, but whispers can be heard from their mouths.

Apparently she went crazy and burned her whole family alive.

I heard she slept with all of them.

Wonder what happened to her sister? She probably sold her for drugs.

She looks like she hasn't slept in years.

"Don't listen to them," Alec catches up to me.

"When have I ever?" I walk inside of the school and make my way to the English room. The whispers are quite cliche and boring, but the 'slept in years' one is right on. I haven't slept for the last two days because of my dreams. I didn't want to sleep through my first day of school so I decided not to drink either.

The first one in class, I choose to sit at the back. Instead of sitting where Alice and I used to sit, I pick the seats on the opposite side of the room.

As every second passes by, kids start to enter the class. My eyes constantly glued to the door hoping that Alice would walk through with a huge smile on her face. But I'm left with just that, hope when the bell rings and Kai walks in with Alec by his side. Both of them take a seat beside me and I take out my notebook before the teacher starts writing down todays assignments.

"Hey," Kai whispers. I keep my head down watching my hand copy the words on the board down in my notebook.

"You look distant. Do you wanna get out?" Kai asks.

I look at him past my glossy eyes. When Kai sees my face, a look of regret flashes on his for a milli second, but is then covered by a stone look.

"No Kai, I wanted to be here so I'll deal with whatever I'm going through. Even if you're the reason I'm feeling like this in the first place."

He doesn't reply, but when I turn my head, I notice that everyone's eyes are on me.

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