Bounty Hunter

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"Come here you little brat!" the alien bounty Hunter yelled at Pidge. He caught hold of the scruff of her neck and held his blade to her neck. "I'm gonna get a lot of GAC for the green Paladin." He started to drag her to his own pod and away from their station.

"Shiro! Keith! Lan-" she screamed. She was cut off. The bounty Hunter had hit her over the head with the butt of his weapon. She was still conscious, but she could feel the blood trickle from her wound and through her hair.

Suddenly, she was ripped from his grasp and into a hug from Shiro. Lance and Keith slammed the alien against a wall. Lance had his weapon at the ready, but Keith had just started punching him in the stomach.

"Don't," he punched him. "Hurt," he punched him again, "Pidge!"

Coran was standing next to Shiro and Pidge, holding back Allura. She looked about ready to rip out the alien's throat.

Hunk was pointing his gun at the alien and cheering for Keith and Lance as they decimated the bounty hunter. Shiro let go of Pidge and she smiled when she saw his glowing hand. She knew that the bounty Hunter was screwed.

(No ship here sorry)

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