Greif: Anger (Part 2)

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Monday rolled around and Keith waited for Pidge in their spot near their lockers. He didn't expect her to show up, but Hunk and Lance said not to doubt her. Even though he was waiting for the petite girl, he was still surprised when she arrived at her locker. She turned around and slid down the wall next to Keith.

"Oh, Pidge," Hunk breathed. He reached out to give her a hug, but she shook her head, pulling her arms into the sleeves of her- Keith's -large black sweater. Keith looked her up and down. Nearly all black clothing, ripped jeans, combat boots, and a light grey shirt peeking underneath through the sweater. She chopped off her hair, leaving only enough to brush her shoulders. She also had her brothers glasses perched on the slight curve of her nose. Hunk took her hands, and Lance stopped her from being able to curl into the sweater.

"Don't touch me." She pulled herself from their grips and grabbed her binder. "I'll see you in Spanish, Lance."

She marched towards her classroom, and the three boys watched her go.

"She's coming to stay with me and Shiro," said Keith. He stood from his place on the floor, and grabbed his binder from the locker next to Pidge's.

Lunch rolled around and none of them could find Pidge. Keith checked in the last place he would expect to find the girl, and low and behold, there she was. She was in the gym's training room. She was wearing her gym strip, a loose, mint green tank top and a pair of black gym shorts. She was hitting the punching bag without hand wraps. Her knuckles were red and purple with bruises and the skin was cracking, allowing blood to flow freely.

Pidge saw the blood on her knuckles and hit the bag one more time, before stopping its movement and resting her forehead against it.

"Good hits," Keith said. Pidge spun around and stared at Keith. He approached her cautiously, but not too softly. He didn't want her to get angry with him. He clicked his tongue, and gave her a smirk. "Your stance could use a little work, though."

She turned around to face the punching bag again, rolling her eyes at him. He placed his hands on her elbows and corrected the way she stood. He shivered slightly at their close proximity, and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"You gotta bend your knees, and put one foot in front of the other. That way you have better balance. If you're going up against a real opponent, you don't want to go losing your footing." He held up her fists, his own hands closed around hers.

"Yeah?" she smiled, in spite of herself, and listened to what he was telling her.

"You'll be okay, Pidge. Lock your elbows." He wrapped his arms around her waist as she fixed what Keith told her to. She rolled her shoulders and Keith's chin rose with them.

"I know. I'm fine. I got a job over the weekend. Keep my thumbs out, right?" she turned her head around slightly to face Keith, nose brushing his cheek. She wanted so badly to just inch her face forwards and press her lips to his cheek. She knew, of course, that she couldn't, so she didn't.

Keith gave her one more squeeze around the waist and nodded. "You've got it down. Lunch is almost over. You might wanna get to class. But, if you want to skip... and you want me to stick around to give you pointers... I wouldn't oppose," he said, a sly smirk on his face.

She grinned back at him and nodded. "Any more tips? I need to punch something. Really, really bad."

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