Bandannas 2

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The bell rang for the first period, and Camilla sat down in the cafeteria, fished out her laptop and started typing away. She tapped into the principals feed for morning announcements and took over, speaking into the microphone in her earbuds.

"Attention students, attention students, please excuse this interruption. Haddy Sincline's real name is Haggar." She heard uproarious laughter from a nearby classroom. "Kurt Haliday is sleeping with one of his teachers, whom I will not name, because I like said teacher."

"Donatello, captain of the football team, sleeps with a nightlight. Don't worry Donny, the dark is a very scary place." She used a baby voice in order to mock him.

"Also Haddy, aka Haggar has slept with the entire football team. You can find all of her scandals on her Instagram account, Haddys hotties. And I'm breaking up with her in her boyfriend's stead. He's too nice to say that she's a bitchass liar. There will be video evidence posted on the school website later today." She looked to the side and saw the office secretary coming towards her. She looked quite angry.

"Last but not least, Kurt got an STD from the teacher he's fucking. Gotta go."

She slapped her laptop shut and grabbed her bag, not bothering to zip it shut. She ran to the shop wing of her school and ducked into the girls bathroom. Thankfully, she had her hood up, and her face wasn't visible. She removed her sweater and restyled her hair, letting it down from it's previous ponytail, just in case it had been seen.

She went to her Spanish class like nothing had happened. She sat next to Bandor as the laughter died down. He leaned over and thanked her for providing the school with some actually interesting announcements.

She once again opened her laptop and changed her attendance from absent to present, and proceeded to not understand a word the teacher said.

Blue walked into the house from football practice and heard music blasting from the kitchen. He assumed that Camilla was home. He walked into the kitchen and saw her. She was standing at the sink, washing dishes and... dancing? He started to laugh, but realized that she was actually really good at it. The way her hips moved to the beat and she tapped her feet at the right time, did a little spin here, a cha cha there.

He had never seen her this content, just free to do what she pleased, thinking that no one was home. It had been about three weeks since the fiasco with Haddy and Kurt, and Blue was starting to feel something he hadn't felt in a long time. A very long time. He felt the same kind of admiration for Camilla that he had felt for a little girl at the park when he was seven years old. He couldn't remember her name, but he recalled the feeling.

"A little bit of Monica in my life..." she sang the bridge of the song. Suddenly the feeling overtook him and he walked up behind her.

"Camilla," he said, placing his hands on either side of her, resting them on the counter. She spun around, startled, and her soapy hands went up, to not coat either of them in water and suds.

Before Blue could lose the nerve, he closed the small gap between them, capturing her lips gently in his. She stiffened, but when he let his eyes slip shut, she melted against him, resting her soapy hands against the base of his hairline, twirling the ends of his hair in her fingers.

The song ended, and they remembered the running tap behind Camilla. She pulled back and reached behind her to turn it off and plunge her hands back into the sink water and finish washing the dishes. Blue stayed where he was, hands around her waist, and his chin resting on her shoulder. He admittedly had to lean quite far.

"Get out of my house." Blue's father sounded both angry and concerned. He sat up from his place in bed. According to his clock it was 1:42 am.

"I see the woman hasn't returned. Well, no matter. I'm here for that girl."

There was a loud clatter and the sound of dishes shattering had him springing out of bed. Camilla's shouts of distress rang through the hallways, her curses and vulgar words not deterring the intruder. He threw open his door and watched as she was carted down the hallway, thrown over a giant man's back. She pounded her fists against his back, but it did nothing more than make the man angry.

His arms were trapped to his side, and he was dragged out, his feet scraping against the floor in an attempt to stop whoever had his arms trapped.

"Dad!" he yelled. His father was lying unconscious on the kitchen floor.

The two were placed in the backseat of a vehicle and the other men sat in the front. The one in the passenger seat held a gun to them.

The car ride was silent. Blue held Camilla in his arms, only moving to press a kiss to the crown of her head.

They pulled up to a warehouse. There was a large mud pit in the parking lot. The teenagers were dragged into the building.

Not long after they arrived, a man with long white hair walked in front of them.

"So you're the one that dated my daughter." He pointed a gun at Blue. He was having a major sense of deja vu. He remembered this exact scenario from a dream he had. It was incredibly vivid, so he wasn't surprised that he remembered it from almost ten years prior.

"Give us back our children," a woman said. It was Camilla's mother, he assumed, as they looked almost identical.

"Katie, nice of you to join us. Oh, and McClain. It's a big family reunion isn't it."

"Cut the shit!" Blue's father yelled. He held a gun of his own. Blue looked over at Camilla. Her eyes were full of fear as the man, Lotor, if Blue remembered correctly, walked towards her and pressed the gun to her forehead. Blue noticed that his finger wasn't on the trigger, however. Camilla's eyes squeezed shut.

"You humiliated my daughter. That's unacceptable." Camilla had been pushed to her knees, and Lotor stood towering over her.

"Yeah well, you're daughter is kind of a bitch."

"Camilla Louise, this is not the time to be a smartass," her mother snapped. She held a gun of her own.

Blue tried to catch Camilla's eye. The man behind her stood with his legs in a wide stance. He knew Camilla had otherworldly flexibility, and could get out of the situation.

Grab the gun. He mouthed. When she gave a subtle nod, he continued. Go backwards.

She did as she was told. She looked up at Lotor and he placed the barrel of the gun in her mouth, clearly trying to scare her. She locked her jaw and wrenched it from his grip. She essentially did the worm and went between the legs of the man standing behind her. She climbed up onto his back and shot at the man holding Blue. He was able to scramble away, as both his father, and Katie let out shots of their own.

The four sprinted to Katie's green station wagon, Camilla and Blue clambering into the backseat while their respective parents took the front. Katie pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the road.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Camilla screeched. Ignoring her, the adults shared a smirk.

"Deja vu, huh Lance?" asked Katie.

"Almost the exact same, though this time I don't think I'm gonna be getting a kiss again."

"What the fuck!?" Camilla repeated her previous statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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