Pidge doesn't want to go to the Diplomatic Ball (Part 2)

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The two girls stayed at each other's side for most of the night. Pidge had unconsciously been avoiding Lance. He hadn't seen her, and she wasn't upset with that. What she was upset with was how embarrassed she felt just to be dressed like this. She wouldn't allow Allura to stray too far from her, and when the princess seemed tired of all the mingling, Allura suggested that they go outside to get away. Pidge gratefully took the offer.

They walked through the hedge maze. It wasn't tall, and on her toes Allura could see over the top, but Pidge wasn't able to even see the top itself. The two wandered through, Allura occasionally looking over to see where the castle was. Not their ship, but the castle that the Norlixian's were housing the ball.

They giggled for a while, and then found the center. Pidge put on music once more and the two giggled and danced. Pidge was sure that the men could handle any political issues, so neither of them worried about time.

Eventually they turned off the music, and sat down on the edge of the fountain, just talking like girls do. They were two separate people entirely, but being the only two girls on the ship definitely forged a bond between them. Somehow, the conversation turned to them talking about Lance and Shiro, and their favourite parts of each male.

"God, his smile. And I know he's always smiling, but if he really smiles, it reaches his eyes, and Jesus Christ when I'm the one that makes him smile like that..." she trailed off. Allura elbowed her gently.

"Sounds like love."

Just then, Pidge and Allura were shut up by the sound of the Norlix King. It was concerning, because he was supposed to be Pidge signaled for Allura to stay put. Her large dress would immediately give them away. Pidge, however, could move more stealthily. Allura started to sneak back to the building while Pidge stayed to eavesdrop.

"Yes, I've removed all Norlixians from the castle. It's only the Paladins and the off planet guests."

"Wonderful. The bomb has been placed. Your new castle is currently under construction." Pidge recognized the voice instantly. Sendak.

She was certain they still had him in the cryopod chamber. Unless...

"It's the little one," Sendak said. "My least favourite."

"Shit," she muttered. She turned and ran as fast as she could. But she knew that, since it was a hedge maze, she would get lost. Oh god, she hoped Allura had found her way back swiftly. She knew the other girl could see the top though, and would be able to get back no matter what.

The top, she thought. She heard Sendak's heavy footsteps following her and she quickly grabbed onto the bush. She scurried to the top and her feet unfortunately sank into the hedge, but she was able to brace herself against the more solid branches and propel herself forward. She scrambled back to the castle, needing to find the bomb before it went off.

She tore the dress as she was climbing down, and she felt bad. She also knew that her hair was no longer well put together, and she made a mental note to apologize to Allura later on.

She made it back to the ball and opened the door.

"I'm telling you Keith, I haven't seen the girls at all. I'm worried. Remember the last time we all got separated?"

"Lance, calm down. We'll find them. They're probably off flirting with Norlixian's," said Keith.

"I hope not," Lance admitted. He, Hunk and Keith were standing near the snack table, while Hunk examined the food. Keith took a bite of the closet thing they could find to a cookie.

"Why, still got the hots for Allura?" Hunk asked.

"Ew, no one says that anymore. And no. That's not who I'm worried about."

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