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Instant gut-wrenching regret is what I feel when I first set my foot in the club.

For someone to hold their birthday party at a club seemed totally dumb to me. Like, how are you going to talk to your guests over the loud music?

But Yuri was my closest friend from university and I wasn't going to question her choice of location.

"So glad you girls could make it!" The long-legged brunette squeals in excitement as she greets both me and Celine and we gather in a tight group hug.

"This is for you, Yuri." I say in a singing voice, handing over the present bag in her slim beautiful fingers.

"Oh, girls, you shouldn't have." She scolds us jokingly before opening the bag. "Oh my God! How did you know I wanted this one?" She gasps, spinning a bottle of perfume in her hands, looking at it from all directions.

"We read your mind." Celine winks at me knowingly and Yuri hugs us again, excusing herself as another one of her guests makes their way towards us and she has to greet them.

I and Celine start casually chit-chatting with other girls from the group, as the club starts filling up and soon it's so overfilled with people that there wasn't space to even drop a needle.

As I was enjoying my drink peacefully, I felt a cold breeze swooshing towards me from behind my back. A tall slim male silhouette appears to my right, his raven black hair stylized in a fashionable up-do, his dark eyes glistening with a spark of mischief.

I knew damn well these eyes. He worked as a teacher at my university even though he was maybe a couple of years older than me. He had tried to make a move on me repeatedly ever since we met freshman year, never taking "no" for an answer.

Even when I had told him multiple times that I had a boyfriend.

"Well, who do we have here." His deep bass voice making the skin on my bare arms bristle, and not in a pleasant way.

"Jaebum." I nod composedly. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Well, maybe we should meet more often because seeing you feels like a blessing to my eyes." The male smirked, his gaze going all the way down to my cleavage.

"Thank you." I replied in a deadly cold voice that I prayed would make him leave. Instead, he leaned on his right arm on the table, shortening the distance between our faces.

"Let me buy you a drink, to celebrate us bumping into each other tonight." He offered, flashing a gorgeous set of white teeth at me.

"Jaebum, I told you already a gazillion times when you've asked: I'm not interested." I hissed at him, throwing the courtesies out of the window. He had chosen the wrong night to approach me.

Jaebum didn't seem the least bit offended by me spitting figuratively on his invitation. He curled his lips in a sly smile.

"As you wish." He quietly replied and I scoffed, turning my back on him. At last, this was the fastest he had given up.

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