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"oh, you're in my veins, and I cannot get you out..."


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"Y/N." He repeats my name and I feel like I can't breathe.

It can't be. This is impossible.

I reach my unsteady hand towards his hood, grasping on its edge and pulling it back to unveil his face. My trembling fingers brush off his soft brown hair.

His lips are still slightly parted, his heavy breathing sends a breeze towards my face. His eyebrows are curved, his eyes widened, giving his face a somewhat apologetic and remorseful look.

"I had to see you." He says softly and suddenly cups my cheeks, stroking the area under my eyes. I hold my breath, my gaze not leaving his, and without me realizing it, a lonely tear makes its path towards my cheek, landing on Jungkook's thumb.

He's here. He's really here.

Jungkook's deep eyes trace the droplet on my face and he gulps loudly. He looks sad and afflicted and I can't help but notice he's even lost a bit of weight. His unzipped hoodie reveals his thin black shirt, glued to his chest and abdomen.

"Y/N." He rasps. "Say something. Please."

I pull my face away from the grasp of his palms, lowering my gaze and letting my hair fall in front of my eyes. I feel my chin tremble and instinctively clench my jaw.

"Why are you here?" Is all I can force on myself to say. The lump stuck in my throat presses on my vocal cords, making my voice sound stealthy and faint.

Jungkook seems like he's lost in his own head, nibbling on his lower lip. He pinches the root of his nose, his forehead wrinkled. He sighs with frustration.

"Was that such a hard question?" I raise my head faintheartedly, avoiding his eyes. I fear I wouldn't be capable of thinking straight if I meet his gaze. Hell, I'm even afraid to hear the answer to my question.

"I knew it was wrong," Jungkook's voice falters, "But I couldn't stand the idea of not seeing you."

I finally raise my eyes to meet his and my legs go weak at the sadness in his eyes. I start to hear my heart pound in my ears, my vision becomes blurry as my orbs quickly fill with tears.

"You knew it was wrong?" I snap at him. "Tell me, Jungkook, what did you think was right? Disappearing on me with no explanation whatsoever, leaving me to suffer and wonder what the hell is wrong with me?"

I see the muscles around his mouth start twitching and his wide eyes glisten with tears under the dim street lights.

"I'm sorry. Y/N, you have no idea how sorry I am." Jungkook whispers, his voice shaky. He takes a step towards me but I don't move an inch, and instead stay stiff as a board. "I will never forgive myself for what I've done to you. I hurt you so much. You have no idea-"

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