21. Stupid.

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I woke up feeling like a train wreck with no survivors. I didn't know how I got into bed last night but I knew I was alone in our king size bed. I looked across the room to the digital clock and saw that it was after 3 in the afternoon.


I tried my best to pull myself up but I could hardly move. My head started hurting and my limbs seemed to cease up and not to mention the pain I felt in my abdomen, what the fuck happened last night? I stretched over to the nightstand to get my phone, I dialed Pep's number and rang her phone.

"Where are you?" I asked as soon as the phone was answered.

"I'm out running some errands, Miss Chin is there." Her smooth voice calmed my nerves.

"Her name is Rayuga." I chuckled.

"I know. I want to change her name from Rain to something else, you could've done better there."

"Hey, it was in the moment and it was the first thing that came to mind." I defended myself. "She's not even Chinese, she's mixed with Japanese."

"You say it like I care, I'll have a name for her by the time I get back. Cook because I am starving."

"What time will you be back?"

"Around 5 or 6."

"Can we stay in tonight?"

"No, we have a formal boat ride tonight. Melody and Miss Chin are coming."

"Have you replaced your top man for a top stud?"

"No.. I... just no."

I laughed, "I'll see you later, babe. Stay safe."

I waited on her response before I disconnected the call. It was always the top guy and top female that accompanied us on our outings and we've been carrying Rayuga for some time now. Melody was always the top female and no one questioned it.

I called Rayuga's phone and heard the ringtone in the hallway. I disconnected the call and waited on her to come in. She walked in with a plate in one hand and orange juice in the other.

"Hey! I figured I'd come wake you but you're already awake." She rested the plate on the bed.

"I was just calling you." She took out her phone and checked the notifications.

"What's this?" I pointed to the plate.

"Oh! I saw some 'meatless meat' in the fridge so I figured they were yours or something so I made you scrambled tofu - the leftovers from the fridge- and fried sausages." She explained.

I raised my eyebrow at her with a curious expression on my face, "I'm vegan." She laughed.

"Oh wow, really?" I was genuinely surprised.

"My last girlfriend was a vegan and I made the switch, even though we broke up I just continued. We were together for 5 years and yesterday actually makes a year since we broke up."

"Wow and look where you are now." I smirked.

"I've been trying to get Pep to eat less meat but it's taking awhile." I confessed.

"My advice is to not force her, don't let it seem like an ultimatum of some sorts. She'll make the decision on her own and trust me, she will." Her smile was easy and comforting.

"Thank you," I laughed and said, "I made a pact with myself that I'd never date again unless they were a vegetarian or vegan."

"Well I guess you didn't have much of a choice there."

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