47. Consignment.

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Pep and Tash sat with their legs folded staring each other down, their intense gaze unfaltering as Tash squinted her eyes and Pep raised her right brow  with a smirk on her face; of course she was cheating. They sat playing strip me, a card game Tash came to love just because of Pep. They didn't have any other friends other than Melody and Ray, they were each other's best friends. This was all Tash ever wanted, someone who understood that they didn't need nobody else other than her, someone who was constantly giving her love and attention. There were times when she needed her space and Pep needed her space more times than not but they made it work and at the end of the day they met together on their king sized bed protecting each other from the world.

"You trifling ass nigger." Tash spat out.

"I'm actually Guatemalan." Pep drew her lips into a thin line.

"You dirty ass half Indian, half Spanish whatever the fuck y'all be." Tash slapped the cards.

Pep stared at her wondering if she ever got slapped for her mouth before, she knew Tash shit talked very hard and she was fortunate enough to see her in action.

With her irritation growing, Tash pouted. She hated when Pep cheated in such a simple game. Tash stared at Pep's dark skin and almond shaped eyes, her chiseled chin and slender nose was the most irresistible combination she'd ever laid eyes on, maybe it was because she loved her but Pep's beauty felt refreshing, felt as if she'd never encountered it before nor will again after her.

"You got a lot of mouth for someone that's barely 5'4" Pep stacked the cards together.

"Actually! I'm 5 foot 5 inches or is it feet?" Tash's mind wandered away from the argument.

"I think it's foot, I've never really heard anyone say 5 feet, the fuck." Pep laughed out.

"Well, then again Jamaicans say chicken foot and not chicken feet so I don't know who the fuck to trust." Tash stuck her tongue out while she laughed.

Pep shared the deck of cards evenly between the two and they started the game again once more. Pep couldn't see herself spending time with anyone without Tash being there, she grew dependent on her company and didn't want to be without it.

"How was it like living in Haiti?" Tash carefully placed her Queen at the top of the discarded pile and waited on Pep to give her 2 cards.

"Uhhh- hard?" Pep watched as Tash shuffled her fresh pile of cards, she was going to win this round again and she was certain because she cheated again.

"What do you mean?" Tash was focused more on carefully placing her cards down hoping that would bring her some luck.

"My mom was very religious, my family was poor, my brother and sister basically hated me because I was like a baggage to them and I was just getting by day by day." Pep sighed deeply, she never really liked talking about her past, it wasn't her anymore so she didn't feel the need to talk about it.

"Were you this fun back home? You had any girlfriends?" Tash held onto her card to stare at Pep with wide and hopeful eyes, she wanted some juicy details. She wanted to know what her lover was doing before they met.

"Actually," Pep chuckled. "I was very, very quiet and no, there was this girl I used to fuck with though."

"You? Quiet? When I first met you I thought you were a bit friendly but then I saw that you were reserved and you didn't particularly like talking that much. Yeah, you were pretty much scary." Tash wondered what Pep back then was like and if she'd ever spark her interest.

"Yeah and even before you came around persons still hardly got any words out of me." The game was coming close to an end and Pep mentally prepared herself for the verbal abuse.

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