58. Who would've thought.

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Pep leaned back in her office chair staring out into the space ahead of her, she felt lost. She felt as if she went to sleep and woke up elsewhere, disoriented and confused. It's been at least an hour since the police dropped her off at home threatening to say fuck the law and search her place, Pep had some legal knowledge and she knew that anything they found without a search warrant couldn't be used against her but she still wanted to avoid them entering her house. She was concerned for Tash and how what they found could negatively impact her.

Pep had to make certain decisions in her life, ones she thought were hard and others of great impact but she never seemed to make the right choice whenever it came onto Tash. She sat there waiting on Tash to come home, she processed her plans and wanted to make sure that she was making the right decisions for them both.

Melody pulled up to the car in front of Tash's house and put her car in park. "Call me if you need anything." Mel handed over the brown paper bag of prescription medicines to Tash.

"I'm not gonna take these." Tash looked at the brown paper bag.

"Yes, you are. I already texted Pep to make sure you take them and to give you the daily rehydration salts for five days; just as the doctor prescribed." Melody said with a smile, she sounded like a 1980's infomercial.

Hissing her teeth, Tash said "whatever, Mel."

Exiting the car, Tash sighed deeply before walking up to the front door. She didn't have a key so she had to knock and wait for Pep. Tash decided to look back at Melody and saw her with both of her thumbs up and a wide grin on her face. Tash groaned and turned back around pressing the doorbell this time around thinking that maybe Pep didn't hear her knocking.

Meanwhile, Pep was caught up in her mind; caught up in her annoying thoughts. She wanted to just simply be with Tash, that's all she ever wanted but their circumstances and her lifestyle choices wouldn't allow that. Pep had to make a decision, stop dealing drugs and prostitution or continue to live and die this way.

"What the fuck is she doing up there and she know I ain't got no damn key!" Tash started pounding her fist on the door. "I'm fucking starving and I know for a fact that she didn't cook."

Tash knew that Pep was locked up in her office as she usually was, so instead of continuing her assault on the front door she decided to break in. Pep's office had a balcony with no grills barring the sliding door and that's where Tash had planned on going; she stood under the second balcony on the right hand side of the house and contemplated how she was going to scale the wall.

After 10 solid minutes of deep concentration, an idea immediately flashed into Tash's head; the ladder! With a deep sigh Tash made her way to the back of the house overstepping tall grass and moist red dirt until she got to the mango tree that sheltered the ladder underneath it. Stretching her limbs and taking a deep breath, Tash bent down to pick the ladder up at one end and dragged with the little strength she had since waking up earlier.

She was supposed to be on bed rest for the next week but here she was dragging a ladder to break into her own house. After taking the last step and climbing over the balcony railing, Tash tried the sliding doors finding that they were open; she stepped in and came face to nozzle with Pep's Glock.

"Woah, it's just me." Tash lifted her hands slightly above her head with an exaggerated sigh.

"Why didn't you just call me?" Pep lowered her gun, resting it back in the drawer.

"I tried to, I was standing downstairs for half an hour." Tash exaggerated.

Pep pulled Tash into a hug holding her closely, she thought that she had lost her and in the process lost herself. She wasn't sure what to do anymore and the options in her head were bordering on insanity.

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