Chapter 2: Loveshine

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I wake up the next morning, or I guess, I should say afternoon since it's 2:30, in my bed. Part of me wishes I never woke up, because my whole body is in pain. My head, my face, my limbs, my stomach... I feel like I was beaten with a baseball bat. Especially my head. Maybe my brain is 3x the size it should be right now.

Once I begin to orientate to being awake, I hear a mixture of loud music and someone banging on my apartment door. I think that's what woke me up. I slink out of bed, getting a glimpse of myself in the full body mirror. Sheesh. I'm still dressed in my clothes from last night, and I honestly don't remember most of what happened last night either. I stumble to the front door, thanking myself for at least taking of my shoes, and find Nikki on the other side of the door.

My eyes widen as I realize that Nikki Sixx is standing outside of my apartment. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I was just checking in on you, you partied pretty hard last night. Me and Vince had to bring you back here because you were passed out on our couch." He says with a chuckle.

Damn, that's so embarrassing...

I grimace, wanting to hide in a hole. "I'm sorry... I've never partied before, if you couldn't tell."

I really wanted to impress them; I know that I don't need to be embarrassed by it but with who they are and how they party, I need to keep up.

"Nah, I totally could, but I wanted to let you have fun. Not so much that you'd hurt yourself, which is why I'm here now. " He leans against my doorway with a smirk.

"Why do you care though? I mean, I'm sorry, not trying to be rude. I figured that I would just be another groupie obsessed with you guys and then left for the next one"

He looks down, maybe that comment hurt him, or made him realize a bit how he treats women. Regardless, I don't know why he would care to check in on me.

He scuffs his shoe on the metal threshold plating. "Can I come in? It's a little awkward standing out here talking"

"Uh... Yeah, sure" I step back to let him inside.

He stands for a second, then goes to the couch, so I sit next to him and keep some distance between us.

"So, I know that I've been the kind of guy to fuck a girl and then go onto the next one. Like I lose interest or whatever. But, I guess seeing you over the years just kind of made me feel like I know you? I don't know I that makes sense, but you've stuck with us and that means something to me for many reasons"

"It does make sense... I just still don't know. I guess I don't think very highly of myself, " I shrug. "Also, you said fucks and leaves, so did we... you know?"

He gives me the craziest look I've ever seen, which makes me think that we did, and I don't even remember it!

"You don't remember? I asked you like three times if you were sure you didn't want to wait, but you said no to waiting, you did say you wanted it."

"Woah, calm down, I'm not upset. I just can't believe I don't remember it happening. That's so embarrassing. I promise that I'm not always this stupid, or naïve." I pinch the bridge of my nose, vowing to never get black out drunk again.

"You did cocaine and drank until you were shit faced, I am not surprised" he laughs "But, it was pretty good, just saying. Hell, it was me, of course it was fucking good."

"Hey, hey, no need to be cocky. Maybe it was so bad that my brain just decided it wasn't a good enough memory to keep." I tease.

"Ouch, that hurt. Do you want to find out?"

This Ain't a Love Song//Nikki SixxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora