Chapter 57: Helter Skelter

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"Nikki, come here, please." Mallory says, scaring me a little. I've been outside smoking cigs for a while now while they've been in the living room talking; Mick's house has an incredible view. "Is something wrong?" I ask as I put out the butt and pocket it for later. "Melody just had a seizure, we don't know whether to take her to the hospital or not." "S-she had a seizure. When?" "A little bit ago, she went to the bathroom and was gone for a minute, then we checked on her when we heard banging. She's laying on the floor now, Mick turned her on her side, and it seemed to help, but she won't talk to us." I rush into the bathroom and immediately kneel down to Melody's level. She's staring off at the opposite wall, not saying a word, barely focused on anything; she looks so spacey right now. "Mel, can you hear me?" I ask. I gently nudge her when I receive no response. "Why are you staring at me?" She asks. "Do you know what just happened?" I ask. "No... I don't remember anything after I came into the bathroom." She looks at me, slightly concerned. "We're going to the hospital, c'mon, I'll help you up." "N-no, we can't go, I don't feel right." "That's why we have to go Melody, you just had a seizure." "No, I didn't, I would remember that." She scoffs. "You don't remember it though; we have to go right now." "N-no. Wait... I-I remember shooting up... I shot up coke." Oh, thank god. N-not that, that's good, but she'll be okay. "Okay, you're fine then. You just shot up too much coke is all." I sigh. "You're not doing that in this house, what the fuck were you thinking?" Mallory demands. "I-I kept nodding off, I didn't want to leave here, I was starting to come down from my last dose." She says. "I don't care, you don't use in this house and that's final. I am a recovering addict and I won't tolerate it." "Whatever, I don't want to be here anyway," Mel says as she shakily stands up, "You have become so damn boring and I know that you only came back to Mick because he is safe and has money; you would have loved to keep doing drugs, I know it." "That's not true!" Mallory exclaims. "Okay, both of you stop it. We all are adults here; Melody, this is mine and Mallory's house, I expect that you will abide by our rules and be understanding of her situation." "Not you too." She rolls her eyes. "How about we just go and let everyone calm down, I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow." I say and take ahold of Melody's arm to help her to the car. "I shouldn't have to leave, you know how hard it is to just quit doing drugs, you know how bad coming down feels. Why can't you be understanding of my situation since I have to be understanding of yours? We're supposed to be friends, we were always supposed to have each other's back, but you left. You made sure to say "fuck you" to all of us before you left, and I'm still mad about it! I'm tired of acting like I'm not because it's not fair! Now you get to come here and tell me what not to do, you get a pity party, you get a nice life with Mick and your baby. Now I'm the fucking drug addict whose life is falling apart." Melody says and storms off, dragging me with her. "Mel, please don't go, I'm sorry." Mallory says. "You've made it abundantly clear that you don't want me here." She says back. "That's not true! I just don't want to see you go down the same path that I did... I care about you. I don't want to lose you to drugs, I mean, you don't even know what I just witnessed back there; it was fucking terrifying." "I'm fine though, you don't have to worry about me. I'm so sick and tired of everyone saying they're worried about me, I need to quit, Nikki is a bad influence, blah, blah." "Wait, what about me?" I feel heat rising to my face after she said that. "Nothing, it's nothing." "No, it's something, tell me who said that I'm a bad influence, I'll give them something to talk about." "Nikki, quit, it doesn't matter! You know that a lot of people have opinions about you, and you know they won't always be good." She shrugs. "Yeah, right." We stand there awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something and clear the air. I'm still pissed off that someone has been talking shit about me to Melody, and I really want to find out who's been running their mouth. I know people who can fuck up their world. "I guess we're going to leave since no one is saying anything." Mel says. "Don't start this shit again; you shot up in our bathroom and insulted Mallory, now you're bitching that we aren't all fucking holding hands and skipping stones together?" Mick scoffs. "Don't you dare-" "Keep your mouth shut, Nikki, I don't want to hear whatever bullshit you have to say. You're the one who has fucked up Melody and got her addicted to drugs, I never wanted you two to date because I always knew she was too good for you." "Fine, we're leaving then, and you can go fuck off!" I practically drag Melody out of the house and to the car and I speed off. "I'm sorry that happened." Melody says. "It's not your fault baby, I'm not mad at you. You didn't make Mick say the stupid shit that he did, and people make mistakes anyway, that's all you did. That bitch is going to make him think that he's better than us now... I wish that she never came back."

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