Chapter 12: Hooligan's Holiday

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It's officially a week before Christmas, and I couldn't be more excited or nervous for it. I'm finishing up decorating the tree, which Nikki wanted to do it with me, but he's been so busy with rehearsals. I found out that I am 13 weeks pregnant this week and I'm going to tell Nikki on Christmas. I still don't have anything for him yet, but I have to think of something good if he is upset when I tell him.

I haven't really started showing yet, but I know I won't be able to hide it much longer. I already told dad, he wasn't as upset as I thought he would be. He was the one who suggested that I tell Nikki on Christmas. He helped me and Nikki with Maria's present, Nikki even got Maria and dad gifts. I know dad won't want to accept Nikki's because it's a new coffee maker. Dad's broke in the move, so Nikki bought him a fancy one, and he got Maria a whole kitchen set for their new house.

I don't know how he's good at picking presents, but he is. I'm just waiting for him to get home from rehearsals now, they're cramming it in since they have December 23rd to January 1st off before the tour with Ozzy. It's been pretty easy to hide the pregnancy from him so far but, I'm so glad he'll know next week. I always get too much anxiety trying to keep something a secret from people, I'm scared they'll find out before I tell them.

I haven't had much morning sickness or cravings so far, and we can find out the gender soon. But, I'm not letting myself get too excited until I see Nikki's reaction. I know he's a Rockstar, Motley Crue is only getting more and more well-known... I don't want to ruin is career. But, he's been so sweet, I think he would be happy. I put the ornament box back in the tote and stand back to look at the tree, I'm pretty happy with it.

"I'm home!" Nikki calls out from the entryway.

"I'm in the living room" I call back.

He walks into the living room, stopping when he sees the tree lit up.

"It's so beautiful, Mel, you did a great job!" He smiles and walks over to give me a kiss, "I wish I could've helped you."

"You can! I saved the star for you to put on." I hold it out to him with a grin.

"Baby, you're so sweet. I'll hold you up, and then you can put it on top."

"But, I want you to, it's the finishing step. I did all the other work, this is yours."

"Okay, fine, but you're doing it next year."

I smile thinking that he is planning on us to still be together a year from now. We'll have a baby a year from now... it seems perfect.

"Wait, I have to take a picture for our first Christmas!" I exclaim, grabbing the Polaroid that is for some reason always around.

He poses, and I take pictures of him putting the star on.

"So, how were rehearsals?" I ask, plopping down on the couch.

"It was okay, same stuff we do every rehearsal. We are very, very good at the show now."

"I would hope so, you're there like 7 hours a day. I can't wait for your break."

"I can't wait either. I've missed you with all the meetings, rehearsals, parties, the tour; I just want a break." He sighs, sitting down right next to me.

"Yeah, I understand that. Just think, the SATD tour was only three months long and, in the states. So, the one with Ozzy will be crazier."

"Yeah, I got to see you more than I thought. But it was awesome! I'm excited to tour more places, even though it means being gone longer," He entwines his fingers with mine. "Also, we're having a Christmas party on the 22nd, do you want to come with?"

This Ain't a Love Song//Nikki SixxUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum