Chapter 27: Mutherfucker of the Year

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*graphic smut warning*


"Vince, I cannot believe that you let Nikki find out! Everyone swore that he would never find out, and now, look at what happened!" I yell at him through the phone.

I've been a mixture of sad, anxious, and angry since Nikki called me.

"I denied it, okay! Tommy was the one who opened his big mouth. I wouldn't have ever told Nikki anything, you know that!"

"How do I? I was stupid to get involved in all of this. I am 19; I thought I was ready for this life that I have dreamed of since I was 14, but I'm not." My voice cracks as I try to hold back tears.

I don't want him to hear me cry.

"You are so much stronger and mature than you think, Mel. Honestly, Nikki is missing out if he's going to let you go like that. I really mean it," He sighs, "I should have never made a move that night; I take full responsibility. You were drunk off your ass anyway."

"You don't have to do that, Vince. I'm a big girl; I can own up to my mistakes."

"No, I'm older, and I got you drunk anyway. Listen, I'm going to book you a flight out here tomorrow night for the add on show. You can talk to Nikki and see if he will listen to anything you have to say. I'm sure that he will take you back, and everything will be okay."

"Okay... I appreciate it. Thank you."

"No problem. I'm gonna go now, we are heading out to a club." He says.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

He hangs up and I put my phone back on the receiver, untangling myself from the spiral cord that attaches it to the machine. I have no idea what to say for him to even listen to me, let alone try to get him back. I'll wear the sexiest thing I can find, which means I have to go raid Mallory's closet. That will be fun. I get up to look for my heroin stash that I got with the cash Nikki gave me. I pass all the pictures of us. His clothes on the floor from me wearing them while he has been gone.

I really can only hope that he will be over it tomorrow. I fucking miss him. Dating him is difficult, but I keep wanting to go back. I keep wanting to fight for us. All I want is for us to be together. I want us to be happy; I want life to just work out for once. I don't think that's too much to ask of the universe. I know that dating him won't be easy, it has certainly proven to be a challenge already, but I love him.

That feeling you get when you think about the person you love, like the person you would die for. The one person you would give everything for, give everything just to make them smile. He isn't perfect, but he is perfect to me in every way imaginable, he is my Nikki. I wanted him for years, and now, I got him. Well, I had him, but I am very, very determined to get him back. Mallory told me to leave him, but I know that isn't the right answer, I don't think it will ever be.


After the concert, we go to a local club. I wasn't in the mood, but everyone else was, so I tagged along. I'm hoping I can have some mindless sex to take my mind off everything that has been going on. Today has officially been the worst day I have had in months, besides the day Melody had a miscarriage. How ironic it is that the worst days I have had this past year have all been from Melody.

"You're Nikki Sixx, right?" A tall brunette struts up to me. 

I put on a face to hide what I'm feeling, "In the flesh."

"You're even hotter in person." She smirks, and sits down next to me.

"What brought you over here?" I ask.

This Ain't a Love Song//Nikki SixxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin