Chapter 46: Worlds Collide

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My arm is so numb, but I can't move it out from whatever it's under, so I open my eyes and hold my head up, and I feel a string of drool connecting to whatever I am laying on. I prop myself up with my right arm, seeing bare flesh beneath me, I look up and feel my face flush when I see Joe's sleeping face facing towards me. I quickly maneuver my arm out from beneath him as to not wake him up and I attempt to wipe my drool off with his haphazardly discarded shirt on the floor. By the look of the rays shining in through the crack of the curtains covering the windows, I assume it's around 7am. I quickly look away from the light, feeling my drinking induced migraine intensify. It's too early to be awake, and I feel like shit, so maybe going back to sleep will help me... I hope. So, I curl up in the other corner of the couch to sleep until a more decent time. - "I don't want to wake her up, you do it." "Really dude? You don't want to wake her up?" I flutter my eyes open, sleep still deep set in my sockets making it hard for them to stay open. "I'm up, you fools." I mutter. I almost hear a sigh of relief come from Joe, although, he would never admit to it. He usually wouldn't care to annoyingly wake someone up, but he acts like I'm fragile or something. "Good, Joy said that you two have to go so she can prep the house for some party she wants to have tonight." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude-" "You're fine, I just have to clean the whole house and cook and everything else. It's hard to clean when a stranger is asleep on the sofa and half of her clothes are on the floor." Joy says, interrupting me. I look down, feeling mortified at the fact that I took off my shirt sometime in the night along with my shoes, stockings and underwear for some reason. I don't remember what happened last night an hour after we got home, I just know that we all drank a lot, I guess me more than everyone else. My head is still pounding, and I feel incredibly nauseous and achy, I guess that's what I get for drinking like I did last night. "I'm just going to run to the bathroom really quick and then we can leave." I grab all of my things and hurry off to the bathroom to pee and put the rest of my clothes on. I thought it was a little breezy when I woke up, but I didn't realize that I was only wearing a bra. Probably because that's how I usually sleep, and I'm hungover... I need to eat something and drink some water. I motion for Joe when I get out of the bathroom and we get in the cab that he called for us sometime this morning. "You know, you sleep in really odd positions." Joe says, randomly. "I can't control how I sleep." "I wasn't saying that it was a bad thing, it's just something that I noticed. And you snore a bit, it's a cute little snore though, I just thought you should know." He cheekily smiles. "Why were you shirtless when you fell asleep?" I ask. "I could ask you the same thing. I sleep shirtless, and you spilled alcohol all down your sweater, so you took it off. You fell asleep before me and Sav, but I joined you once Joy made us shut up and go to bed. You just kind of came over and laid your head on my chest because I was warm, and the room was freezing." He shrugs. My cheeks heat up slightly thinking of that, how he just let me cuddle with him while we slept because I was cold. He's been so nice to me on this trip, and since I have met him, really. I lay my hand on his and smile at him when he looks at me then interlocks our fingers. I really shouldn't enjoy this as much as I do, but this trip to England is really what I have been needing, I needed to get away from Los Angeles and California in general. Nikki, the band, the girls, the sex, the drugs, fame, all of it, I just want to have a nice week here with Joe and the rest of the Leppards, and maybe fuck Joe just as a souvenir. We eventually park in front of a little restaurant/cafe type thing where Joe pays the cab driver and we walk inside of the warm building. The strong smell of coffee and tea fills my nose, I can almost taste it from how strong the smell is. It's a quaint little restaurant, very cozy, ambient lighting and all of the decorations seem to have been placed meticulously in their places. I join Joe at a table where a waiter almost instantly comes to greet us, surprising me by his quickness, but Joe isn't fazed; I would assume he comes here often. We both order and look outside at the street right in front of us through the frosty glass, my warm breath makes the glass fog up and I draw a smiley face with my finger. Joe does the same, then smiles at me with a childlike happiness in his eyes. He makes my heart melt sometimes; this is one of those moments. "You know, I-" "Here is your food, be very careful since it is quite hot." Our waiter cuts him off and the thought seems to slip from his mind because he doesn't bring it up again for the rest of our brunch. "So, what were you going to say back at the restaurant?" I ask in cab number two. "Oh... it wasn't important. It was something that was in the heat of the moment is all." "I guess so." I frown.

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