Chapter 45: Wasted

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"You have to do another shot, make it even!" Sav says. "I'm already at 5, do you want me to get shit faced?" "Maybe I do. I just want to see you drunk off your ass." He laughs. "I know that you have to have a high tolerance, Mel." Joe says. "Maybe, I do now, but I still would like to enjoy the night," I eye the shot glass in front of me, "Ah, fuck it." I down the brown liquor and throw my fist up in the air for victory. "Now you just need 6 more." Sav says. I roll my eyes and smile. I'm having a great time with the band, minus Rick, of course. Dinner went well, now we all are just getting drunk off our asses whilst being the loudest group of people in this building. Steve and Phil are chatting amongst themselves mostly, but Steve is downing drinks like it's nothing. Joe looks over at him from time to time, slight nervousness painted on his face. "So, what made you come to England? And without Nikki, I may add." Sav asks me. "I was supposed to have a modeling shoot here, but I got this shiner on my face, so I cancelled it. Nikki is busy in the studio, so I didn't want to take time away from that." "Yeah, I was going to ask about that bruise if it wasn't rude of me." "I don't really like to talk about it... it's super embarrassing. I literally hit my face off of the tour bus bunk over me when I sneezed. The guys were looking at a new bus, and I wanted to see how uncomfortable the bunks were; bad mistake." I laugh. "That sucks, I really don't know how the hell I haven't done that yet." He says. "Leave it to me to hurt myself somehow. I am way too accident prone for my own good." The other guys are laughing, but I don't have Joe convinced. Oh well, I want to enjoy myself tonight and not worry about stupid shit like Nikki hitting me. I want to enjoy my time here, even with this huge, disgusting bruise on my face. "So, did you hear about Rick?" Sav asks. "Yes, I'm taking her to visit him in a couple days. Let's not talk about that right now." Joe says. "Shit, what got in your pants, Elliott?" "Nothing." Joe rolls his eyes. "Go get a blow job so you'll calm down, then you can come back and join us." "Whatever." He mutters and walks off. I'll be damned if he goes and gets a blowjob from some floozy around here. "I'm going to run to the lady's room really quick, order some more shots while I'm gone." I wink then go looking after Joe. "Hey, wait!" I say right before he goes into the men's room. He turns around, crossing his arms when he sees me. "What, Melody?" "I just wanted to ask if you were okay." "Yes, I'm fine. Sav is just making an ass of himself." He sighs. "He's just talking a lot, I don't mind it since I don't have much to say about myself." I shrug. "He's flirting with you and it's really disgusting because he has a girlfriend who he treats like shit. He didn't invite her out tonight, then he is nosing his way into your business, and he's bringing up Rick... I don't know. I'm probably just overreacting, I guess." He sighs. "I didn't notice if he was flirting, I'm definitely not into that." I chuckle. "Then what are you into? Besides Nikki, of course, I guess that was a stupid question. I'm sorry that I'm upset over this, I don't know why it's getting under my skin, I guess I just don't like the way he's talking to you." "It's okay, Joe, I understand. You don't have to apologize to me for anything, you know, I'm not upset with you about anything." He cups my cheek with his hand, slowly leaning closer to me making my heart rate accelerate. "Oh, hey guys- what are you doing, Joe?" Sav asks. "He was just looking at the bruise on my face, I asked him if it was super bad since you said you wanted to ask me about it." I say. I glance over to Joe, then back to Sav. "Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel self-conscious. It's not super bad but it is noticeable, I mean, it's on your face, Mel but I didn't mean it in a hurtful way. You still look very beautiful." "Thank you." I try not to laugh. "Well, I have to take a piss, so excuse me." Joe and I clear the way for him, and I hear Joe let out a sigh. "That was close." He says. "Yeah, I know, I couldn't imagine what would've happened if he saw. He would have told Nikki and that would have been a complete shit show." I sigh and look at the ground, I feel myself sober up a bit thinking about what almost just happened. "I just wanted to check on you, I'll head back now so you can pee." I walk away feeling a little embarrassed. I know that I shouldn't kiss Joe, I shouldn't do anything with him, but I did tell Nikki and I that we still aren't together. Maybe we could fuck one time, and then, I'll be satisfied and maybe Nikki and I can get back on track when I get home. I don't want to hurt him though, I still love Nikki, and I do care about his feelings. I just can't shake the fact that I have feelings for Joe, I know I shouldn't, but he's so fucking hot. He's alluring and amazing at sex; the way he made me feel in that tiny, cramped closet was amazing even though it shouldn't have been. Him touching me is like electric, it's the stereotypical thing you hear all the time, but I really do feel that for Joe. The way I feel about Joe compared to the way I feel about Nikki is completely different, and I like the way both of them feel.

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