Chapter 14: On With the Show

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The holidays are over now and Nikki leaves for tour tomorrow, actually. He has been so ecstatic about the pregnancy and actually told the guys. He even called up his grandparents. Today, we are trying to see if we can find out the gender since he's leaving January 9th to March 24th, and we are too impatient to wait until he gets back.

"Mel, you have no idea how excited I am!" Nikki exclaims.

"I have a slight idea." I chuckle.

"I'm just so fucking happy, what if it's a boy? But... what if it's a girl? We need twins so that we'll have one of each and then it's the best of both worlds."

"Please do not wish for twins, this is my body and I would like to keep the damage minimal." I grimace.

"Well, you only have a tiny baby bump so far, I think you'll be okay." He shrugs.

"That's not how it works, but I'll try to think like that." I say with a laugh.

I'm at rehearsals with them today since this is their last round of everything before they leave tomorrow to drive up to Portland and meet Ozzy and his band. I would love to go, but I think I also would hate it, being pregnant and all.

"Have you guys thought of any names?" Vince asks.

"I was thinking about Beatrice for a girl, we could call her Bea for short. Or Stella. Nikki likes Jean or Leah. We both like Leo for a boy's name."

"We agreed that baby Sixx will be named whatever we think they look like when we first look at them." Nikki says.

"But, what if you don't know what you want to call it?" Tommy laughs.

"I guess we're fucked." I laugh.

"Well, when both Neil and Elizabeth were born, we just kind of knew. Given both were kind of named after their parents, we just knew those names would be right." Vince smiles.

"I'm sure we'll know, just like how I think it's going to be a girl." Nikki looks at me.

"I don't know what I think it is, I don't care either way. A girl would be so cute to dress up though."

"I have both, and girls have so much more shit than boys do! Like dresses, blouses, tights, skirts, accessories for their little baby hair. Boys just have shirts, pants, shorts; it's so simple. I know that Beth loves having a little girl, I just have to worry about her getting with guys like us." Vince says, making the other guys laugh.

I would never want our daughter to be with a guy like them, unless he ends up like Nikki. He's treated me so well despite things he has done in the past.

"C'mon, I'm not that bad, we are just being young and rocking out." Nikki laughs.

"And raising some hell along the way!" Tommy chimes in.

I start to feel sick again, I've randomly been having morning sickness at different times of the day.

"I'll be back, then we have to leave for the appointment." I say to Nikki and hurry off to the bathroom.

I dry heave over the toilet, not throwing up. I don't have anything to throw up. I've been so nervous and sick recently, I hardly eat, and I throw up when I do. I was hoping to not have any complications but maybe my doctor will be able to help me if I do.

I go back out to the recording area, finding Nikki, Tommy, and Vince smoking heroin.

I sigh, "Nikki, we have to leave."

"I'll be done in a minute, we have time."

I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch next to Mick. We have to be at the appointment in 45 minutes and drive through traffic, which will take like 35 minutes out of that time. I just want to go by myself... I know that I'll be by myself for most of this pregnancy because he will be on tour.

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