Chapter 39: Save Our Souls

203 8 3

Dec. 8th


"Okay, have any of you ever snorted coke off a chick's ass, because that's a life changing experience." "Nikki, what possess you to do that? I have never thought of doing that." Rick laughs. "I've done it, I've also snorted it off their tits, it's nice." Sav says. "I know what's on my bucket list." Slash chuckles. "It's just a moment of, "I wonder what this would be like." I know that I can do it, that girl just feels lucky to have me fucking her, you know." I shrug. "I haven't done drugs to that extent yet, maybe one day." Joe says absent minded. "Hey, has anyone seen Melody? I haven't seen her for hours... maybe it's been a day. I have been here way too long, and I'm way too fucked up to keep track of time." They laugh at that, I'm not really joking, but it's nice to be able to get a laugh out of them. I am so high that I can hardly function, I couldn't even piss in the toilet earlier. I don't know what made Vince want to have a never-ending party, but damn, I'm so fucking happy he had this idea. "Oh, there's Melody," I say, watching her walk to the kitchen, "Melody!" She turns her head and walks over to us. She's hotter than the last time I saw her, I think. "Have you ever snorted coke off a chick's ass?" I ask. "No... I've never been with a woman before, you know this." "Okay, have you ever wanted to?" "That's not something that has ever crossed my mind, so, I would say no." She crosses her arms. "What about my ass? Someone get some coke!" I turn around and pull down my pants and someone pours out a line on my ass. "Do it, it's fun!" I laugh. "No, that's fucking weird, Nikki." "No, it's not, just do it." "Come on, Mel, have some fun." Tommy says. "Your guys' idea of fun is weird, fucked up shit." She says. "Come on, do it, do it, do it..." soon, all the guys are chanting "do it" to her. "Are you fucking kidding me?" "Do it! I dare you." Tommy says. "I don't do shit just because someone dared me." She says. "Don't be a pussy! This is a party, have some fun." "I fucking hate all of you, and I'm never talking to any of you assholes again." I feel her snort it off my ass, and all the guys cheer as she walks away. "Was that really necessary?" Joe asks. "Come on, dude, it was funny." I laugh. "She was obviously uncomfortable, you guys practically made her do that, and in front of us lot." I roll my eyes and do another bump of coke. "I like to have fun, and I like to have fun at the expense of others. She has thick skin, she'll be okay." I would think that I know my own fiancé by now, he thinks I don't know what's appropriate and what's not. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get some pussy." I stumble, but eventually get good balance on my feet, and I go look for Melody. What if she's cheating on me right now, because I upset her? She could be fucking another guy right now. Goddamnit, I'll beat someone's ass if I have to. "Have you seen Melody?" I ask Vince. "No, but Beth might know." I don't feel like looking for his soon to be ex-wife, so I scour every bedroom until I find her sitting alone on the bed. "There you are." I say and close the door behind me. "What do you want?" She sighs. "Damn, I just wanted to see my girlfriend, I didn't think that would be wrong." I stumble over to the bed and sit down next to her. I run my fingertips down her arm to her thigh and I inch my way closer to her pussy when she suddenly slaps my hand away. "Nikki, no, I'm not in the mood right now." "Come on, it'll be quick. At least give me a blowjob." I move my hand back, and she moves it away again. "I said no, do you not fucking know what that means?" "You don't have to get pissy with me, I haven't done anything to you!" "Yes, you have! You're trying to make me fuck you when I don't want to! You literally will not take no for an answer."

She's standing now with her arms crossed, looking more pissed than I have ever seen her look before. "Sorry that I want my fiancé to fuck me every once in a while." I roll my eyes. "No, you're not going to make me feel bad about this. You just made me snort coke off of your ass earlier." "I didn't fucking make you, you did that yourself." "All of your friends were there, they were chanting, I pretty much had no choice. I really didn't want to be made fun of for the next month!" "I wouldn't have joked about it if I knew you were going to act like this!" "Jesus Christ, you can only think about yourself and your feelings, huh?" "I think about you, I bought you another ring. You don't fucking deserve it since you want to be such a bitch." I almost growl, I'm pissed. "Go fuck yourself. I don't know who you think you are, but you're not going to talk to me like that." "I'm Nikki fucking Sixx, I'll talk to you however I want to. If you remember; I support you, you have no job, no house, and your car is in my name. You better stop being an asshole to me, or you'll be out on the streets, that's a promise." "I'll find somewhere to go. Being on the street would be better than living with you!" "I'm not some monster like you think I am! I'm pretty fucking nice, I have given you everything when you had nothing, Melody. You're just like every other girl, I swear. I was stupid forever thinking you were different." "And you're just like every other guy, I was stupid to think differently and give you chance after chance to hurt me over and over again. You'll never change. I'm such an idiot." "Melody, seriously? Stop with the self-deprecating shit." "Fuck you!" She storms out of the room and I'm stood there, lost for words entirely. How could he be such a bitch when I have been nothing but nice to her? I have given her everything she could want or need, and she chose to act like this. I don't deserve this shit from her, I really don't. I don't have the patience for it either, it takes away from time where I could be doing my own thing. I fucking love her, but she is just so unbearable sometimes.

This Ain't a Love Song//Nikki SixxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin