Chapter 6: Starry Eyes

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I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I groan, and turn it off, turning over in bed to see Nikki next to me. He's still in the clothes he had on last night, which means he was shitfaced when he came home, or he couldn't get his clothes off with one arm. I don't remember him coming in last night, but I get up quietly so I won't wake him.

I get a quick shower, put on some random, halfway put together outfit, and sit in the kitchen eating fruit for breakfast. I know that for shoot days, I can't eat a lot before my shoots, or I'll look fat, and everyone will get mad at me for making their jobs harder. I know I'll already get bitched at for eating like shit yesterday but pizza and whisky is too good to pass up. I get up to grow away my trash, and grab my keys as Nikki appears in the doorway looking rough.

"Hey, babe, you leaving?" He asks.

I look at him, confused, as he has never called me that before... "Uh, yeah. I have to be at my shoot in half an hour. You okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say bye before you left, I'm going right back to bed after you leave." He chuckles.

"That's more like it." I laugh too.

He gives me a hug and a kiss, and I leave to go to my shoot. Thinking about him calling me babe brings a smile to my face, I know it's not like, amazing per se, but it's something. Maybe it means we are getting closer to him asking me to be his girlfriend? Maybe we are already exclusive in his mind, just serious enough to date, but then again, maybe not. I can never tell with him, and I know that he only came up to me that night to try and get me in bed, and it worked, but for him to actually somehow catch feelings for me is just fucking crazy and unlike him.

I just want to know what we are before I let myself get more invested in this, and then get hurt because we aren't on the same page. Maybe I should stop thinking like that... I arrive at the shoot, and immediately go to hair and makeup where I am greeted by my favorite stylists.

"Mel!" He exclaims, jumping up to give me a hug.

"Hey, Jamie!" I grin.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while, how's you and Nikki?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Life has been pretty good, me and Nikki have moved in together. Still don't know if he sees us as exclusive or not, but I think this is a step in the right direction."

"Really, girl? Sit down and let me and Chelse work our magic," he says, pointing to the chair. "If you're moved in together, I'd say that's pretty damn exclusive. Either that or he works backwards."

"I know... should I ask him?"

"I would say I'm surprised that you haven't asked yet, but you are a timid thing."

I open my mouth in mock surprise, "Me, timid? Never."

"Pfft, please." He laughs.

He and Claire work on my hair and makeup, then I am directed to go to my fitting. They apparently had to change up all my stuff because I have lost weight. Which I did not expect... Honestly, I figured the opposite would happen. Once I'm finished with shooting, which took a grueling four hours, I get back to mine and Nikki's house.

I walk inside, and the house is quiet... Maybe just a little too quiet. Nikki is sitting on the floor, against the bed with his eyes closed, which is weird, but I mean, he has definitely done weirder.

"Hey, Nikki, are you awake?" I ask, gently shaking his shoulder.

He slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me, his eyes look glazed over, almost bloodshot.

"Are you okay? What did you take?" There's urgency in my tone; I've never seen him like this before.

"Just some... Just pain killers." He mumbles.

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