Chapter 54: Long Long Way to Go

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I wake up with a pounding headache, feeling like someone repeatedly beat my entire body with a baseball bat. I apparently went wild last night, given I can't remember a single thing that happened. I look next to me to see what shape Melody is in and find that she's not even in bed. She's probably already up and at it because she didn't get absolutely wasted last night like I did. I drag myself out of bed, go to the bathroom to piss, then head to the kitchen to find Melody. Hopefully she is making food or is up for getting something, because I need something to help take this hangover away. The living room is empty, the kitchen is... empty, the laundry room and garage are both empty. Huh. I look out front to see if her car is even here, and it's not, of course, why would it be? I bet she's with Joe, they probably got drunk and fucked because they're both pissed off at me and wanted to give me something to be angry about. Well, it worked. I stuff myself into some clothes, do my daily morning drug fix and drink a mug of jack to get me going. It's probably late, they should be awake by now, it's what, 2PM? I glance at the oven clock to see 8:30 blinking back at me... there's no way that it's 8:30 AM. But the VCR says the same thing, so, I guess I can go catch them in bed together. I hop on my bike and drive through the cool morning air, feeling a little bit chilly. I haven't been awake this early in a while, besides the few times I have stayed up until noon on a bender, then immediately crashing and sleeping a whole 16 hours, then napped on and off until noon that day. I don't even know why I'm doing this, why am I going to this hotel, technically breaking into his hotel room to see a situation that could not at all be true. She could not even be at the hotel, she could have rented a room on her own... now I just feel like I'm being too generous here. They have an odd chemistry between them, I have flirted with too many women to not be able to pick up on what's going on between the two of them. I see Melody's car when I pull in the parking lot, there are no signs of her inside, so I head into the hotel to ask the receptionist for a key. Thankfully the receptionist is a cute little blonde girl who is a little chubby, I'll be able to charm the panies right off her. "Hi, I am needing to-" "Oh my god- gosh, sorry! You're Nikki Sixx!" She exclaims, cutting me off, which is only slightly annoying. "Yes, and I can give you an autograph, picture, whatever you want if you help me." "Oh my, I-I would do anything." "How old are you?" I chuckle. "16, but don't tell anyone, I lied to the managers." She says in a hushed tone. "Well, I need a key for Joe Elliott's room, I'm going to surprise him. It's a little thing that we do when each of us come to visit each other." "I really shouldn't, but you're you, so I can't say no!" She giggles. "Thank you, now, what do you want me to do for you?" She looks around seriously to see if anyone is around, then she leans closer to me, "I want you to take my virginity." "Woah, that's a lot." Is what comes out of my mouth, but my dick totally has a different opinion on the matter. "It doesn't have to be right now, but I want it to happen before prom in May... maybe even on my prom night. OMG, you should go to prom with me!" She squeals. "I can do that." I smirk. "Oh thank you so much, I love you, you're the best!" She grins. "Laila, how many times do I have to tell you to stop harassing the famous customers?" Someone in the back scolds. "I'm sorry!" She says sheepishly. "Give me your number and I'll give you a call." I wink. After I get her number, I head up to the room, making sure I'm as quiet as possible. I walk in the room prepared to start yelling until I see Joe asleep in the arm chair and Melody asleep in the bed, both fully clothed. Wow... maybe I am worrying for no reason... I almost made an ass out of myself. I turn around to walk out and trip over a fucking shoe, banging my body against the door really hard. "Who the fuck are you?" Joe says. I turn around, immediately looking at Melody's sad expression and Joe's enraged features. "What are you doing here, most importantly, how did you get here?" He demands. "I was worried about Melody, I didn't know if you guys had got in a crash or something, I wasn't even going to come here until  I saw her car. And I bribed the receptionist, not the young blonde girl, the other one." I lie. I hand him the room key as a sign of surrender and his expression softens a bit. "You coming with me or staying here?" I ask Mel. "I'll go, so that Joe can sleep in this bed instead of that uncomfortable arm chair." She smiles and shakes her head. "It's a good thing I slept where I did, I would probably have Nikki trying to kill me if not." He chuckles. "No, I just wanted to make sure she was safe, so... thank you." "Anytime, I'm always here whenever Melody needs me." Ouch. "See you later." Mel hugs Joe, and then, we are on our way out. "I know you only came here to see if we fucked last night. Since when are you up at 9AM anyway?" She asks. "I have no idea, I got shitfaced last night and woke up thinking it was way later than what it is, I was already up for the day anyway." I shrug. "We didn't fuck, just so you know, I got super wasted on tequila, so I totally cried like I always do, then he had to take care of me until I stopped vomiting. He's a good guy, don't hate him because he's a guy." "I guess I can give him a pass because he made sure you were taken care of last night, and I assume he drove you two back here?" "Yes, dad, I didn't drink and drive." She playfully rolls her eyes. "Don't give me an attitude." I playfully scorn. It's nice when we can joke with each other, not everything is always bad, we still have our good days and good moments, I just don't know how to stop using heroin. I don't know how to stop fucking up, but I know that I will lose her if I don't... it's only a matter of time until I fuck things up past the point of no return.

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