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Ha-Na didn't feel comfortable sitting in the front seats with the Tokki. She chose to sit in the back with her knees tucked into her chest, seatbelt strung across her lap. She weakly rested her chin her knees, watching the Tokki handle the wheel with weary eyes. The woman had no idea where he was taking her, but right now, she was far too tired to even fight back. Though she was physically fatigued, she couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Not even the quiet hum of the car's engine lulled her unconscious. Ha-Na couldn't deny that the fear that was present earlier still occupied a large area in her head- probably the reason why shy couldn't seem to sleep. Her thoughts were slapped onto the thought of who the Tokki actually is.

Just earlier, Yoongi had called the man "Guk." That only sparked the question of: "Do they know the Tokki? Far beyond the fact that he is a killer?" There was one contradicting fact however, Yoongi stood in a defensive stance, palming the dagger on his thigh when the Tokki appeared in the doorway. That would be enough to tell Ha-Na that they were enemies. Yet, why did Tokki help them with their soulmates, besides the reason of getting to her?

Her eyes remained focused on the back of his head- could he really see through that mask while driving? She picked apart the man's features from behind- chocolate brown hair, and numerous ear piercings. Not to mention the design of some sort of tattoo on his neck, peeking out from his jacket.

The Tokki was a dangerous man, a cold blooded killer. Just a few days ago, be tried to kill her, yet here he is, promising not to hurt her? She doubted his words one hundred percent- what reason would he have not to hurt her?

As she was lost in her thoughts, Ha-Na didn't notice that the car had stopped an hour later. It was only then that Tokki had spoken to her for the first time since leaving the cliff range. Ha-Na had expected his voice to be hard and chilling to the bone, but it wasn't- she didn't foresee it being so soft and melodic.

"Come on Ha-Na," he spoke up, looking back at her through his mask.

Behind it, he frowned; seeing her flinch away from him seemed to have dealt a slash to his heart. It hurt him so badly, but why? Just days earlier he was sent to kill her, yet he couldn't bring himself to do it because of one thing.

"Let's just go inside, then we can talk," Tokki sighed while continuing.

"Hopefully you won't run away from me a third time," he thought as well.

Tokki kept Ha-Na's door locked while he circled around the car to escort her out. She refused to move an inch, even as her door was opened and the man appeared right by her side. When he reached out to touch her arm, she whimpered upon contact and shied away further into the car. His frown deepened, and another heated breath exhaled from his lungs.

"Ha-Na, please," he said. "I won't touch you again, please just step out of the car."

The woman in question nodded slowly, but didn't dare to look up at the bunny masked man. Tokki gave her space as she slipped out of the car at a snail-like pace, keeping her eyes on her boots. She knew the Tokki was staring at her, but no amount of courage would force her to return his gaze.

"I not going to hurt you, okay?" the Tokki reminded her.

Ha-Na didn't show recite a response to his words. The man bit his lip- he would get there, eventually.

Tokki // JJK Soulmate AU//Where stories live. Discover now