Extras : About the season

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I know this season turned out way too melodramatic than normal teen drama. I felt that this was necessary to wrap up the "attempt to murder" track which I honestly did out of a sudden impulse. *Slaps hand on forehead* Not one of my best decisions, I confess. My apologies for turning a teen drama into god knows what this is.

Doesn't inspiration come from what you watch? And almost every English teen drama (TVD, Teenwolf, PLL, Riverdale, etc) has an element of murder in it, I guess I got carried away. And mind involuntarily came up with the brilliant *sarcastic* idea of killing Siyali. I have no right to compare my story with those TV shows I know, but mind works in mysterious ways. Like I said, not one of my best decisions. *Shakes head in self realisation* Once I got in, there was no way of turning back without doing all this and "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" So i just linked the Rajput mystery to it.

I usually try to take the logical road with some elements of dramatism in it. But the crime track, I have no excuse. Kinda came out of no where *what was i thinking face*I might have taken the crime track a little... okay a lot dramatic *hides face* but I think we are a generation that is surrounded by crimes which aren't committed based on age factor. And even at schools, we hear about kidnapping in the route from school/ home, runaways, blackmails, etc. So I guess, bad things do happen. Not in this scale. Or may be they do. Well. I don't know *looks confused* So, Please Don't hate me for this. *Pouty face* You can hate the charecters, don't hate the author *winks* Oh god, where am I going with this?

I hope you liked the two seasons. If you didn't, I can just hope you didn't hate it.

About the finale, I'm not sure of your thoughts. Satisfied or Not?

In my defense, I planned for another season with an ending I considered picture perfect - With Farewell and Epilogue. But unfortunately, I'm keeping an open option of wrapping up the story this season as readers might be bored/ worse angry *fingers crossed* after my "Crime stunt". So, I'm not sure if another season is what you want. And hence, this is the closest to an ending I can give as they're still in Semester 3. I can't give a happily ever after with one semester still left.

However, I've tried my best to put forward some of my crazy thought and ideas about the Rajputs; and tried to solve the so called "Rajput Mystery". I'm sure a lot of them made no sense and some were too complicated, but I really worked hard and did my best to give a logical and sensical ending.

With the major part of the story solved, This is a open, but a happy ending.

Thank you all for the reads, your votes, your lovely comments and messages. Your every word of appreciation meant a lot. Once again, a heartfelt thanks to all my friends and the friendly readers for your support and mostly, holding on to me for so long through the rough and tough phases.

Thank you.

Along with Warrior High, Imiya......Signing Out.

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