Grammy Nerves

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Look at Jimin's little bounce omg

Look at Jimin's little bounce omg

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Holy. Shit. Jimin was nervous. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be getting ready to go to the Grammys. He was so greatful, but also terrified. Everyone was busily rushing around him, doing final touch ups, fixing hair, making sure they were camera ready. It was stressful. Too stressful. His senses were overwhelmed with smells and noise and getting no sleep the night before wasn't helping. His heart seemed to shake inside his rib cage, pounding at an unsteady beat. Jimin shakily wiped his hands on his slacks and started making his way to Jin. Jin would know how to help. When he spotted the elder he picked up his pace, accidentally bumping into Taehyung who didn't even register the encounter.

"Jin-hyung?" He called out, his voice shaking and in the verge of cracking. Jin lifted his head, his eye brows furrowed.

"Jimin? Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, Jimin plowing into his arms, sobbing.

The scene attracted the attention of everyone surrounding them, causing them to fuss and make more noise then before. Jimin cried into Jin's shoulder, holding onto his white button down shirt. The world around him spun and distorted. The noises got louder and his body got shakier. Jin held him closely, talking to him quietly in his ear, but Jimin couldn't register any of his kind words.

Jin shooed everyone away, and started leading Jimin to a near by empty room. He gently helped Jimin sit down on a soft arm chair and quietly shut the door.

"Shhh, tell me what's up, Jiminie." Jin said, kneeling in front of the younger. Jimin let out a frustrated sob.

Why was he so worked up? Shouldn't he be happy and excited? No one else seemed nervous or upset. It was just another event. Jimin wrapped his arms around his own waist, rocking back and forth in an attempt to ground himself, as worried thoughts swarmed through his head.

"Jimin, hey calm down." Jin soothed, becoming increasingly worried for Jimin. It had been a very long time since he had any kind of panic attack. "I've got you, hyung is here. Just breathe. It will pass, it will pass."

Jimin shook his head, tussling his purple hair around. He inhaled some choked breaths, crying out for Jin.

"J-Jin-hyung!" He called out, wiping his eyes.

"I'm right here, baby. I'm here." Jin said gently.

"I-I'm so-sorry!" Jimin sobbed.

"Shhh, no need to apologize. Everything is fine." Jin said, taking Jimins hand in his own and gently massaging it.

"I'm w-wasting time." He responded, sobbing through his words.

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