All my fault!

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Mel's P.O.V

•I had tiny hands and a tiny body I'm the little girl that I once was. I was with my parents and sister we were walking in a park, it was dark. "Did you had a good day, baby girl?" my dad asked picking me up.

"Yes, daddy" I answered wrapping my hands around his neck. My mom was holding my nine years old sister by her hand! "this was the best birthday I ever had." I told them. We arrived to the parking lot and went into the car. it was quiet a long road trip home. I was looking out of the window.

"JOSEPH WHATCH OUT!" I heard my mom scream. when I looked up to the front window a huge truck was driving in our direction. everything went pitch black.

When I woke up I couldn't move We were under the truck. I then looked at my right and saw my sister, eyes closed, so many bruises there was blood everywhere. I looked at my mom I didn't saw much but her face was full of blood and clothes were ripped and she was bleeding everywhere. My dad, his neck was all weird all turned and it was bleeding he was bleeding everywhere as well. I could only smell blood my heart was beating so fast and then I started shaking and cough blood.

I woke up in a hospital. a nurse was there she was putting bandages everwhere! even on my face. then I remembered what happened.

"Where's my family!" I asked.

"They're gone!" I didn't answer. Why would they go without me? I asked myself. "they are dead, sweeetie. I'm so sorry!" she added. I started sobbing no this can't be.

Suddenly I saw the fifteen years old Mel and my family but I couldn't see their faces. We are happy we were laughing and making a picnic and eating delicious food my mom would have made. Suddenly They were gone.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" I heard a voice yell at me. Everything was dark.

"What?" I whispered. Then Pictures of my parents, sister and I smiling laughing just memories.


"YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!" three voices yelled.

"NO!" I started yelling the pictures passing by faster! I started yelling my heart was hurting again. I clenched my fists. And feel on my knees crying and yelling.•

I then woke up. My heart was hurting again. Then I started coughing blood again and I was shaking. "FUCK!" I yelled I need to go to the hospital! I then stood up from my bed and tried to get one of the boys, for help. I was so weak I reached the door and opened it and fell on my knees I can't...

I then felt a pair of arms pick me up. When I looked up I saw Luke. Even trough this pain I still feel butterflies and sparks. he was talking to me, but I couldn't hear the only thing I heard was my weak heart and I felt my eyes getting really heavy and I barely could breath. He sat me down on the passenger seat and went to the drivers seat and started driving. Suddenly everything went black.

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now