I let her go...

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Luke's P.O.V

After Mel left the room, I sat down on the hospital bed she was in. Why am I so stupid? After years of wanting her to be mine I got her but cheat on her? I'm so messed up... Then the door opened and Calum came in, "what happened?" He asked.

"I let her go..." was all I could say...

"What are you talking about?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"We... we broke up! She's gone... she said she needed time to think about everything, about us... I cheated on her, Calum! I don't deserve her! She deserves someone like Ashton! Someone that would never cheat on her! Treat her like a princess... Someone that would never punsh her!" I said quietly putting my face in my hands. "I'm so messed up..."

"Hey don't say that... even if it's true..." he pointed out. "Come on let's go home."

After we got home I went straight to my room. When I opened the door I saw her. "I'm just packing my stuff..." she said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm gonna have my own room... well with Roxy in it, of course..." she smiled weakly.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked looking down.

"Well yeah... I never had nightmares after she came in!" She laughed a little. She was trying to play it cool but she's destroyed inside. I just know it.

"I mean about us!" I pointed out.

"Oh..." was all that came out of her mouth.

"Mel? You can't hide your feelings from me..."


"I know you don't want all this..."


"I know you love me and want to stay here with me forever..." I said wrapping my arms around her.  "You deserve better I know that but I can be better..."

"Luke, please stop..." she said trying to get out of my grip. But I was way stronger than she thinks.

Mel's P.O.V

"I can treat you like a princess... I can make you feel good!" Luke said grabbing my bum violently.

"Luke..." I breathed out. He then started to kiss my neck and going down to my chest. Before I knew he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist grabbing me by my bum. Then he locked the door and started walking up to his bed. I don't want this... "LUKE STOP!" I yelled. He stopped and stared at me, his eyes dark... I was scared now. The last time he had dark eyes was this morning and it didn't end well... he saw I was scared and smirked and threw me in his bed and wanted to get on top of me. As soon as he was on top of me I turned us around so that I was on top of him, I was grabbing him by his t-shirt. "I said... No!" Then I let go of him took my stuff and left. What an ass!

I then entered my own new room, Roxy jumping on the bed and sitting just looking at me with her beautiful light blue eyes. "What?" I asked her smiling. She leaned her head to the left. "Wanna go play outside?" I asked her making her really excited. I took my phone and left the room, her following behind. The boys were all in the livingroom.

"Mel we need to talk!" Luke said standing up.

"I'm gonna walk Roxy!" I announced totally ignoring Luke. Then I left.

Roxy and I arrived at the park and I started running and Roxy did the same. We were jumping and running together. The park was empty just me and Roxy were there. Suddenly Roxy stopped following me and started barking at the bushes. Strange... Then she barked more and louder. "Roxy..." I called. "Come on girl!" Nothing... then I walked closer to the bushes she was barking at and couldn't see anything. I was kinda scared so I started running home. Roxy of course following behind... I got home and closed the door behind me. I breathed heavily I need to calm down.

"What happened?" Calum asked standing up from the couch the others following.

"I was... park... Roxy started bark- ROXY!" I stopped and realised Roxy wasn't in the house. I opened the door and she came in. "Sorry baby!" I said. "Well I'm tired, goodnight."

"Wait we haven't talked!" Luke said walking up to me.

"We talked enough for today!"

"Please Mel..." he said reaching to my hand. I pulled it away.

"No Luke I need time!" I said. He looked hurt. Probably how I looked after this morning. "'Night!"

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now