These are the best friends I'm talking about!

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Mel's P.O.V"

"What now?" I asked after eating.

"Twitcam!!!" Ash snapped. Why not? As soon as they started there where already 57.9k people watching. Crazy!

"Hii!!" they said, I just smiled and waved!

"CAN YOU HEAR US?!" Ashton yelled!

"Do you really need to yell?" I asked laughing!

"YESS!!" He yelled, us both cracking up!

'WTF why is she with you again?'

'I hoped she was dead!'

'Eww.. omg my eyes! I'm out of here!'

'MeLuke is totally not gonna happen!"

These comments and similar ones were everywhere. I lowered my head. "Stop Abusing everyone!" Mike said. I just stood up and walked out to the balcony! I slid down the wall and started crying. Roxy put her paws and head on my legs. I caressed her... "what have I ever done wrong? Why do they hate me so much?" I asked her. She just made as little noise and got closer to me.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Stop abusing everyone!" Mike said. after reading the comments... Mel stood up and walked away...

"I'm gonna tell you a story..." I started. "there once was a baby girl she was so young and already had a three years old best friend who was a boy. They were neighboor. when the girl was three and the boy was six she had to move to another country... A few weeks after her and her family got there it was her fourth birthday." I took a deep breath... "she lost everyone on a car accident. the last time she saw her parents and sister, they were lifeless. She survived but she still had a heart problem she couldn't get too excited... then she moved back to where her best friend was and his mother became her so said guardien... She then became friends with three other boys. who played instruments and since her fourteen years old best friend started to sing covers and put them online she had the super idea of them becoming a band. Then they became really close. When she was fourteen she discovered she was starting to like her best friend but then he became famous just like the other three. They made it because of her..." I paused again... "when her best friend confessed his love for her, she did the same, but they both knew they couldn't date because of the hate the fans gave her just as a best friend... So they tried to forget about their feeling for each other... then they had a huge argument an her heart problem became worst. She has a huge scar because of all the surgeries. She then moved out to the country where the accident happened and tried to forget about hate and her best friend. But everything just became worst, a few months ago she was so close to death. Today she came back to her best friends she still isn't able to date the boy she loves and it's hurting them both."

Then I stood up and went over to where Mel went. I took her by her arm and dragged her in. "what the..." she started. Her eyes were puffy like everyday.

I put her in front of the laptop. "This? This is how she looks like nearly everyday since everything became worst!" I said holding her face up so they could see how hurt she looked. "And this?.." I started as I put down her shirt to show everybody the huge scar she has... "This is the huge scar I told you about! this is huge! she became so insecure!" Then I pushed her closer to Luke and said... "And this?... These are the best friends I'm talking about!" Luke and Mel looked at each other... "Excuse me, but... as long as you disrespect her... you're disrespecting us!" I said going offline...

"What happened?" Mel asked.

"He told them everything..." Luke said rubbing the back off his neck...

"Everything?" She asked, I nodded... "ohh..." She said.

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now