Everything's gonna be alright!

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Mel's P.O.V

I woke up yelling, sweating and crying in pain, again. FUCK!! the nightmare was the same one. I don't wanna go to the hospital. My heart was hurting so bad. I tried to calm myself down but it was only making it worst. Then I felt something wet on my chest. When I looked down I saw blood, everywhere... the points were opening. I yelled. It was hurting and now my scar was opening!!!! I tired to walk to the floor above, to call Marie. I couldn't I fell I was coughing blood and losing blood from my scar. I was losing so much blood. I yelled hoping someone would hear me. "HELP!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!" Then I heard footsteps.

"MELISSA!!" I heard Amanda call. "RICK COME HERE!" She called her husband. he came running.

"She needs to go to the hospital! CALL AN AMBULANCE DANNY!!!" He yelled at Danny who was holding his brother's head the opposite direction from where I was... I yelled again...

"MELISSA! WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Marie asked Rick.

"I don't know, why woul-" I yelled again make them stop talking and help me.

"shh everything's gonna be alright." Amanda said putting one hand on my forehead and the other on top of mine with was covering my scar. "Oh my god she's losing so much blood, Rick!" She said. I know I'm so close to death...


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