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Mel's P.O.V

Finally we got home in London. "Finally home!!" I said walking into mine and Luke's room.

"Finally I can hold you tight again!" Luke said hugging me from behind. I smiled. Then the other boys came in.

"We didn't take a picture together." Ash said looking at my belly. He put the camera infront of us and put the timer on he then came up running next to me. Mike was on my left side with his ear pressed against my belly and showing thumbs up. Ashton the same thing just on the other side. Calum was sitting on my feet. And Luke was behind me with his arms around me still. We all smiled. "AWESOME!!" Ash said looking at the picture smiling.

"Ohh I forgot how's it going with Laura and you?" I asked.

"I asked her!" Ash said.

"Sooooooooo?! "

"SHE SAID YESS!! We're getting married in two weeks! " I smiled and hugged him.

" Congrats!! " I cheered.

Suddenly I felt something wet running down my legs and my belly was hurting. I yelped. My waters broke. OMG ! "LUKE, I'M GONNA GIVE BIRTH!!"

"OMG!!! " He said and started running around not knowing what to do!

"TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!" I said in pain.

"Right!" he said running down stairs.

"ME !! TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL, LUCAS!!! " I shouted. He came running again and helped me go downstairs and into the car. He drove fast. When we got there he just picked me up bridal way.

"My BABY IS GONNA HAVE A WIFE! MY WIFE'S GONNA HAVE A BABY!!" he yelled. Then he put me down on a bed and undressed me into the bleu weird thing and put one on, himself. Then the doctors came running.

"OK Mel I need you too push!!!" I tried but I was so weak and nearly couldn't breathe. Luke was holding my hand. "PUSH!!" I did my best to push! "THE HEAD AND THE SHOULDERS ARE OUT!!!" I was seeing everything blurred. My eyes were closing. Everything was hurting. Mostly my HEART!!! It was all getting worse I will only give up until I see her and the doctors say she's fine!


"She's out it's a healthy little baby girl!" I was still yelling because of my heart. Then doctor Jackson gave the baby to a nother doctor and came running up to my side.

"Her nose is bleeding, she's coughing blood again and she's in pain. You know why! " Luke yelled.

"Melissa stay with us don't gi-" I interrupted him by yelling really hard. I heard the baby cry. I nearly wasn't breathing anymore. "GIVE LUCAS THE BABY WE GOT A HUGE PROBLEM HERE!" Jackson said to the other doctors. Suddenly I passed out.

Luke's P.O.V

NO NO NO NOT AGAIN!! They gave me my daughter and I didn't know what to do. She was crying and I hadn't learned anything. I was trying to calm her down, failing. Suddenly I heard the doctors yell a lot. "TAKE HER TO THE URGENCY!" doctor jack said. He walked up to me and took my daughter away from me. "Luke I'm sorry but you gotta wait in the waiting room..."

"What's gonna happen to Mel? She'll survive right?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"We can only hope!" he said shocking his head.

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now