Let's Get Married!

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Mel's P.O.V

I woke up early today because it's a really big day today. I stood up and went up to Bella's room. "Come on big baby, it's time to get ready for uncle Michael's day!" I whispered to her ear shaking her slightly.

"Mommy?" she called.


"I'm sick!" she said fake coughing. I laughed.

"Shut up B, you can't do this today. You're not going to school... You know that right?" I asked. She's only four years old and already uses this excuse.

"Ohh right... " she said then stood up. I shock my head and giggled. We went to the kitchen and I made pancakes while Bella sat down at the isle and looked at me. Then Luke came in.

"Goodmorning my beautiful wife and daughter!" He said kissing me on the lips and Bella on her forehead. I'm glad B's not one of those kids who make disgusted looks when their parents kiss.

"Hi daddy!" B smiled. Luke and I call her "B", cause she's our queen B. Smart right? I know. Totally original.

When we got done eating breakfast I quickly took a shower and B the same. Yes, with me in the shower. After the shower I put my underwear on and Bella put hers. I quickly blow-dried my hair and did the same to her. Our hair is pretty similar actually, she has her father's face including the eyes, but her hair and character is totally copie paste of me.

While she got dressed I put my dress on. It was black, long and high-low style. Right underneath my breast there was some sort of Belt, it was glittery. Then I put my hair half up half down and curled the ends. Then put make up on. I was done, finally done. Then I realised Bella isn't here for me to do her hair. I went to her room and she was on her bed crying. "What's wrong Bella?" I asked sitting next to her.

"I want to get married too!" she said. I smiled.

"Aww baby, you will.... Just not now, you're only four." I said while she wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my belly.

"Well you're only four aswell... And you're married." I giggled.

"I'm TWENTY-four! Do you know how much more that is than four? " I asked.

"Not much only twenty years..." she said whipping her face with the back of her hand.

"how long did it take for you to be four? " I asked.

"Four years!"

"See you only gotta wait five times four years then maybe you're already married... " I smiled.

"I don't get it!" she said confused.

"Math, B! Come on let's do your hair!" Then I realised she wasn't even dressed. "But first your dress!" I helped her get into her green dress. Then curled the ends of her long hair. (pic^)

"We gotta go in ten minu- Wow babes you both look gorgeous!" Luke said, looking at us. We both giggled. Luke was in a black suite. Fancy as always.

"Let's go we don't wanna be late!" I smiled kissing him on the cheek and walking up to the door.

"DIVORCE!" Luke yelled. What?

"What?" I asked shocked.

"After five years you can't kiss your husband!?" He said and I sighed in relief. "Were you scared?"

"No, It's not like you've never done it before!" I said sarcastically. Then helped Bella into the car and sat down on the passenger seat.

"Are you mad?" He asked sitting on the drivers seat. I nodded. "You know I would never do this!" he said kissing me on the lips. I kissed back. I love this man.

"Euhm... Father, mother, I love you but we are gonna be late." Bella said, Luke and I laughed.

"Bella, darling, please never talk like that again!" I said laughing.

"Deal! Just... Let's roll!" She said. I laughed again.

"What ever you want, Miss Hemmings!" Luke said in a british accent. Bella and I laughed. I'm happy my daughter is crazy like her parents.


Hi sorry I don't update that often anymore. But I'm really busy and try my best. Please vote and comment it would mean a lot.

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