Cutest thing EVER!

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Mel's P.O.V

"Mel! Get out of this bed!!! It's no good for the baby nor you!" Ceph said throwing a pillow at me.

"Shut up!" I groaned into my pillow.

"No! It's your sixth month! Look at that fat ass belly! You need to catch some air! Stupid!" She said throwing another pillow at me.

"But the Paparazzi!!"

"What's with them?" She asked.

"Luke doesn't know!! He would kill me!"

"Well technically you did tell him, he just didn't believe in you..." she smiled. "Come on! It has been four months since you left this house and I want to have some fun with my best friend!"

"Well we ca-"

"Outside!" She interrupted me.

"Fine!" She smiled and clapped her hands, kissing me on the cheek and leaving my room.

I got dressed and nothing I like fits... then I decided leggings, one of Luke's shirts and black converse. His shirt was so tight too. Fuck it. I act as if I'm embarrassed by my baby! And instead just took my tank top and a varsity jacket. "Let's go!" I said.

"You look like a hot mom!" She said slapping my butt and we both laughed.

"I know!" I said taking Roxy and Ceph was holding Will in her arms... and walked out.

We were walking around  and then we stopped at Starbucks. I stayed outside because of Roxy and she went to take the order. Suddenly I heard voices and pictures getting taken. "Look it's Melissa Hemmings!!!" People yelled. After a second I was getting mobbed. I tried to hide my face and belly..

"OMG SHE'S PREGNANT!!!" a fan yelled. Suddenly I felt someone drag me and Roxy into Starbucks. The owner. .

"Thank you!!" I said smiling fixing my clothes and hair.

"No problem! By the way I know you.. and the fact that you're pregnant is exciting!" She smiled. "What gender is it?"

"I don't know..." I said.

"Wait you're on your sixth month! Let's go find out!" Ceph said dragging me out and dragged me to her car which was in front of my house. We went out from the back door. When we got there I left Roxy at home because she can't go into the hospital.

When we got there I smiled because my doctor was waving at me. "Miss Gomes, it's the first time I see you on your feet!" He chuckled.

"Good evening, doctor Jackson!" I smiled.

"Oh and what do we have here?" He asked pointing at my belly. I giggled. "What is it?"

"That's why I'm here for!" I smiled.

"Oh come on then!" He said. "Lay down please..."

I lied down and he put the gel on my lower belly. Then he turned the machine on and suddenly I could see my child. I felt tears stream down my face. Ceph held my hand. "Ohh! There we go, it's a girl!" He said. I smiled and looked at Ceph she was crying too and smiled.

When we were done I said thank you and left. "Omg it's a girl!!!" She cheered. "Imagine like her and Will dating. Cutest thing EVER!!" She said. Opening the car door and helping Will with his seatbelt. Then she went to the driver's seat and got in. I, off course was on the passenger seat.

"Yeah!" I said laughing. Then I took my phone and saw I had 13 missed calls from Luke. I called back.

"Melissa?" He asked.

"Hi babe!"

"You're pregnant! And I didn't believe you and left. I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, but how did you know?"

"Ashton was on Twitter, and he started screaming 'Six months, OMG' when I asked him he didn't want to tell me. But then I checked on twitter myself and saw the pics! I'm such an ass!"

"Stop! You're not!"

"Just forgive me!"

"No! You didn't do anything wrong!"

"You're the best wife I could ask for just tell me what it'll be!"

"A baby girl!" I smiled.

"Omg! A Meluke Girl!!! I'm sorry but I gotta go send me pics of you and her!"

"Ok bye! Love you!"

"Love you too, darlin'!" Then he hung up..

"He's excited!!!! Omg he wants this child!!" I said shocked.


Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now