Pt 33:

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Several hours pass, it's almost completely dark, and you are still asleep. Newt hasn't left your side once, although he is really beginning to worry about you. Newt lifts his head as he hears a commotion arising outside. He gets up from his seat on your bed and peeks outside the tent. Lights flying in from the distance are in the sky, and people all around are arming themselves for a fight. Newt runs over to you and starts shaking you by the shoulders trying to wake you up. "Come on (y/n), I need you to wake up now!" For another minute you remain asleep until finally, you shift slowly awake. "Newt? What's going on?" Newt doesn't have time to respond. An explosion goes off just outside the tent, setting it on fire. Jorge bursts into the tent and grabs Brenda, you and Newt follow him out of the slowly collapsing tent. Outside is a mess. Almost everything is on fire, and gunshots are soaring back and forth. Newt grabs you by the wrist and pulls you behind a car. "Does anyone have a gun?!" He shouts. In response, Vince tosses him a shotgun, and he immediately starts firing on the opposing soldiers. An angel with a shotgun. You don't know where that thought came from, but it fits. "What on earth is happening?" You ask. "It's wicked They've found us," Newt says grimly. "How?" "I don't know." More and more wicked soldiers come from the newly landed airship, and the small band of rebels begin to be overpowered. One of the soldiers throws a small device right where you're hiding. You stare at it curiously then it goes off. Electricity flies through your, and Newts body's, paralyzing you temporarily. The soldier then drags you in front of the airship. One by one each of the rebels are lined up side by side. Now that the threat is diminished, Ava Paige and Janson come out of the airship. One of the guards brings Teresa up to Ava. "Well done Teresa. You made the right choice." Ava says bringing Teresa into a hug. "Teresa!? We trusted you!" You shout. One of the guards comes over and hits you on the head, sending your face into the sand on the ground. "Don't touch her!" Newt shouts, jumping up and punching the soldier solidly in the face. Two more soldiers grab Newt by the arms and shove him down onto his knees. Janson then speaks up. "Now now children. Play nice." Janson starts using a device similar to the one that Jorge used, scanning necks. "Newt, subject A5, The Glue. Minho, subject A7 the leader. (Y/n) subject A11..." Janson hesitates then says, "Well that's interesting."

"What is it, Janson?" Ava asks sounding annoyed. "Come look at this." Ava looks at the device, then at you. "That is interesting indeed. Go ahead and take her to the ship, we can't afford to lose her." Ava commands Janson. The next thing you know you are being carried ruffly onto the airship, Newt and the others calling after you. They handcuff your hands in front of you, purposefully making them painfully tight. You wince as they tighten them beyond their intended use. They sit you in a chair, not trying to be gentle in the slightest, facing away from the open door. You can no longer see your friends, but you can hear them. Guns focused on you, the guards stand protectively in front of you. You listen intently to hear what happens, you hear Janson's cruel voice as he finishes the scanning, after a minute you hear him ask, "Where is Thomas?" No one responds. "Thomas, I know you're here. If you don't come out I start killing your friends." A pause. "I'm right here." You hear Thomas's voice. There's shuffling, then Minho's voice, "Why didn't you run?" "I'm tired of running." Then you hear Newt's voice, "Teresa, what did you do?." "She's with them, she sold us out." Thomas says with hostility in his voice. Hurt fills you up, you thought Teresa was your friend, but she sold you and your friends out. The hurt slowly transformed into a wave of burning anger. You expect to hear Teresa, begging for mercy or showing some kind of regret, but she says nothing. Ava talks now, "No matter what you guys think of me, I'm not actually a monster. This is all to find a cure, save the world, whatever the cost..." Ava is interrupted by Mary. "You need more blood." You're not sure but it seems like Ava responds with sadness in her voice, "Hello Mary, I had hoped we would meet again, although not under these circumstances." Mary responds "I'm sorry about a lot of things, but this is not one of them. At least my conscience is clean." Ava then says, "Mine too." And a gunshot sounds. You jump and feel your heart sink down to the ground as Vince cry out for Mary, his anguish is heartbreaking. "Load 'em up!" Janson calls, fed up with the delay. You hear movement, more soldiers are grabbing kids and loading them onto the ship with you. Then Thomas shouts, "Get back. Let them go. Let us go!" You can hear the stillness that has fallen across your enemies. Whatever it is Thomas is doing is working, and probably dangerous.

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