Why are you running?

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(A/N): One of yall wanted me to input this song in the story if I could, so for this lovely reader, I will, now that the perfect opportunity has arrived!~ 

For atmosphere, play this song, either in your head or for real, for ultimate hilarity; 

And yes, I am well aware that ive been on a music spree, but music is good for the soul, yohohoho!~


(Luffy's POV) 

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" Ace asked me with an evil smirk on his face, as his fists were on fire, trying to hit me, as I ran for dear life. When Ace was like this, you just had to deal with it like if grandpa Garp was after you; you had to run. 

"BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME!" I yelled back, as I noticed that Tra-guy was doing nothing to help me out, just simply going to watch this all go down with a stupid smile on his face. "WHAT KIND OF CREW MATE ARE YOU, TRA-GUY?! HELP YOUR CAPTAIN OUT!" His smile quickly went to turn into an annoyed frown. "I AM NOT APART OF YOUR CREW!" He barked, as I went to see if there was a chance that Ace was- nope, he was still chasing me, and he was still pissed. 

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, I SWEAR! JUST LET ME EXPLAAIINN!" I told him loudly, as I continued to run as fast as my legs would let me. "I DON'T NEED YOUR STUPID EXPLANATION! IT'S ALL IN THE PUDDING, JACKASS!" He growled, as I went to stop for a bit. "Wait, there's pudding?~" I asked, remembering that I was a bit hungry, before quickly jumping out of the way of a fiery fist. "Yeah, but not the kind that you're going to like! Thanks to you, (y/n) has temporary amnesia, and is on a date with Marco of all people!" He hissed, as my eyes went as wide as saucers. "I GAVE (Y/N) AMNESIA?!" "YEAH, YOU DID, MORON!" "B-but listen, Ace, you have to hear me out! It was totally an accident, I swear!" 


"What are you doing here?" Sniper king questioned Usopp, who was for some weird reason here. "I am here because the sound I was hearing came from here!" He told the guy, before noticing the fancy gun in his hands. "U-uh, I swear that's it! I don't m-mean any trouble, I promise!" He waved his hands like crazy, as sniper king went to simply laugh at his hand gestures. "Don't be so frightful, I could tell just by looking at you that you meant no harm. If my eyes couldn't discern that much, then I have no right to call myself the sniper king, ha ha!" He chuckled, as Usopp then went to stare at him like he was nuts. 

"Uh... you're not the sniper king!" He frowned at him, which caused the guards that were near us to gasp in shock, as the sniper king went to nod at him. "Yes, I am." Usopp shook his head. "N-no you're not! I know the sniper king personally, and he doesn't look anything like you!" He pointed out, as I went to hum in thought. Now that I think about it... 

"Where is your cool mask and cape?" I questioned the sniper king, as Usopp went to smile at my words. "Y-yeah, where are they, huh?! The awesome mask and cape are iconic pieces in the great sniper king's attire! Just by looking at you, I can see that you have neither a cape, nor a mask! This must mean..." He then went to dramatically point at him. "You are not the real sniper king, but an impostor!" 

The guards continued to look at Usopp like he just cursed their mom out or something, as the sniper king went to simply laugh at his words. "I think stubborn people like you require a demonstration as to why I AM the sniper king... guards, has the target already been replaced?" He questioned one of the guards, as they saluted him. "Yes, your highness! It's ready whenever you are!" He told him, as the sniper king went to grin brightly. "Great! I think I'd like to show everyone who hasn't seen it yet it, then! I do still need to perform my daily training!" He smiled, as I went to smile myself. "Oooo, you're going to show us how that cool gun works? Awesome!" I grinned widely, as Usopp went to frown at me. "Big deal! My slingshot is way cooler!" He pointed out, as the sniper king went to let out a laugh at that. "A kid's toy for sniping? Whoever you are, you sure are unorthodox!" He snickered, as Usopp went to glare at him. "HEY, WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" 

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