Tell Me

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Prompt:Jinyoung knew running away from his wedding was a bad idea. Running away with his best man,Mark,was an even worse idea. But,Jinyoung has loved him for so long. And when Mark asked him not to get married......Well that escalated quickly.


Jinyoung's POV

I woke up,feeling a slight weight on my chest. I looked around my surroundings and found out that I was in a hotel room. I'm not alone though. I'm with Mark. I was confused, wasn't I supposed to be at the wedding-oh. As the memories slowly returned,a smile grew on my face as I watched Mark snuggling more into my chest. My hand found its way to the soft and messy blonde hair, fingers combing through the strands.


Today's the day. My wedding. Unlike others,I was not happy. How can I be happy when I'm not marrying the person I love? The purpose of this marriage is for the company. I hate it. I hate that I am being used by my parents just for money. I hate myself for not fighting my happiness. But what can I do? It's too late to do anything. The wedding is about to start any minute.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door creaking. I looked and saw the person I love walking in. I never had the chance to confess to him. I wished I could go back in time so that I could tell him my feelings. He had dark circles under his eyes,making me worried. 'Did he not sleep?'I thought as I watched him walk slowly towards me.

He lifted his head up slowly when he was in front of me. He looked horrible. Dark circles,swollen eyes and dry tear tracks. 'Did he cry?!'

"Jinyoung-ah,you ready?"Mark tiredly asked me. His hands lifting up to my tie as he fixed it. "You're getting married soon and you still can't figure out how to tie it,"he shook his head fondly. 

"I didn't need to since you would always tie it for me," I blurted out. I then felt his movements stop abruptly. 

"I can no longer tie it for you,Nyoung-ah. You're getting married remember?"He murmured softly,not looking at me in the eye. I didn't say anything. I hate him for reminding me about this stupid wedding. "Jinyoung?"

"I don't want to get married,"I then revealed. 


"I said I don't want to get married. Well at least not to her. I want to marry the person I love," When his hands dropped to his sides,I badly wanted to grab them. 

"W-Who do you love?"he asked,his voice a little shaky. 

"He's someone I loved for a long time. He has been there for me since forever. No matter what,he would always choose me over anything,even his family. He's my best friend," I blurted,hoping the 'best friend' part would give it out. 

"Jackson?" Mark guessed. 

I mentally facepalmed myself. Yeah Jackson's my best friend but Mark is closer to me. How can he not figure it out?! I sighed and shook my head. He then started listing everyone of our friends out,only to earn a shook of my head. 

"There is no one left,unless you have a secret best friend you did not tell me about. You betrayer!"He exclaimed,pointing at me accusingly. I just chuckled and took his finger in my hand. 

"You missed one though," 


"He's right in front of me," 

He looked confused for a second until he finally realized. He stared at me, his eyes teary. "W-What?Don't lie Jinyoung. Please don't play with me. Not me," 

I groaned in frustration and held his shoulders. "I am not lying! I swear to that. I,Park Jinyoung,is in love with his best friend,Mark Tuan," He did not say anything,only tears finding its way down his flawless face. 

"Since when?" he whispered. 

"Since we were 15," 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I'm a coward,Mark. But then I realized that if I don't tell you now,I'll regret it my whole life," Arms then circled my neck as he let out his cries into the crook of my neck. 

"Y-You idiot!I love you too!" Relief washed over me when he confessed back. I wrapped my arms around his petite waist tightly. "B-But you're going to get married soon anyways so what's the point-" 

"Mark, tell me what you want," He got surprised by my question as he looked at me. "Just tell me what you want and I'll do it,"I repeated,leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Mark did not answer me. The time was running out. "Mark,3 more minutes left," I could feel his arms tightened around my neck. We stood there as I waited patiently. I looked at my watch and time was slowly going away just like my hope.


"Don't marry her. Don't,please. Nyoungie,don't marry her please," he finally answered. 

I grinned and nodded. "Okay. I won't marry her. I won't," Mark then let out a shaky laughter and smiled the perfect smile I love. "Mark,run away with me,"

Turns out,we had 10 minutes to spare since there were some technical difficulties. We quickly drove away with my car and we found a small hotel. We booked a room and slept almost immediately after our bodies hit the bed.It was tiring but worth it. Finally,I could be with the love of my life. I knew that me running away would cause the breakdown of my father's company but I did not care. Afterall, I was never really a son for him anyways.

Flashback end

"Morning sleepy beauty," I greeted when I saw those beautiful pair of eyes opening. He just grunted and hid his face into my chest. I laughed at that,knowing that he's not a morning person. "Come on,we have to leave. We can go back to Korea and continue our lives there that we had with all our friends," 

"Okay," he agreed.

"Come on get up. We have to go now unless you want to miss the flight. Plus, I'm sure it's better if we go early," 

"5 more minutes Jinyoungie," I just chuckled at him and lifted him up in my arms easily. He was surprised but relaxed into my hold as I walked into the bathroom.Once we washed up, we immediately checked out and drove to the airport.

"Ready?" I asked Mark when it was time. 

"Ready as I will ever be," he grinned. We then board onto the plane,hand in hand, ready to open a new chapter in our life.

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