Mark's Fabulous Plan:Jinyoung's Heater

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Mark has lived in Korea for the past few years and the long period was enough for the 26-year-old-man to get use to the surroundings. He's used to the culture,he's so familiar with it that he's confident on giving someone a good ten minute speech about it. In short,he's comfortable in Korea.


But,he's not used to the cold when winter comes. Not to mention his thin figure,Mark gets cold easily even with his grown muscles after tons of protein shakes and the gym. Every time the cold wind slaps his face,he would bury himself impossibly deeper into his jacket or hoodie. Yet,it only works for a minute max until cold succeeds in attacking him once more.

You would think that Mark should be totally fine if he stays cooped up in his apartment. He thought so too and it did. With the heater and thick blankets wrapped around him almost everywhere he walks in his little nest,his apartment acts as his bubble of warmth during the winter. Mark loves it.

That was until his heater broke down. Curses. 'That's why it was so cold when I woke up.' Mark sighed before depending on the only source of warmth at the moment. His blankets. He will be forever grateful to it. Even his socks couldn't prevent the hiss from escaping his lips after his feet touched the cold marble floor. Mark almost thought he was stepping on a block of ice.

"Can I hibernate? That sounds like a fucking good plan right now but I'd probably die in the middle of my sleep." Mark mumbled to himself as he walked over to his kitchen to fix himself a cup of steaming hot coffee. He refused to open the door of his refrigerator. Hell to the no.

Taking a deep breath,Mark carefully took a sip out of his hot beverage,feeling it glide down his throat,leaving him satisfied from the heat lingering in his mouth. Mark stood beside his counter while enjoying his coffee with the blanket still wrapped tightly around his shivering body for quite some time until he decided that he couldn't anymore.

"Fuck it." Slamming down the cup into the sink,Mark threw the blanket onto the couch before he clumsily put on his slippers,rushing out of his apartment. Groaning at his stupidness for not even putting a jacket over his thin clothing,Mark quickened his footsteps,wanting to just get over it.

Mark found himself shivering badly in front of a familiar doorstep that's not that far of distance from his apartment but due to his current suffering,it seemed like he had travelled for quite a few hours and it's killing him slowly. He frantically knocked on the wooden door numerous times,cursing at the owner of the apartment when the door didn't open.

Until it did.

"Why the hell did you take so long to open one fucking ass door?!" Mark snapped,pushing a clueless and obviously just awoken Jinyoung to the side. Thanks to Jinyoung's perfectly fineheater, an immediate comforting warmth hit his body as soon as he stepped in,a satisfied sigh escaping his lips.

"Babe,its like fucking 7 in the morning." Jinyoung mumbled out with a groggy voice,having to just woke up by his boyfriend's rude knocks on his door. The said door was then closed by Jinyoung,not wanting any cold air to enter his apartment. Jinyoung then rubbed his eyes gently to knock out the drowsiness in him as he laid his attention on Mark who was currently laying flat on his floor like a starfish. An adorable one at that.

"Why are you here so early in the morning? I am very sure I didn't forget any dates because it's cold as hell and you hate going out during winter." It wasn't long unt Jinyoung joined his boyfriend on the floor,laying his head on Mark's flat tummy.

Mark instinctively let his hand worked its way to Jinyoung's messy bed hair and combed the locks with his fingers,making the younger relax on top of him. "My heater broke." Mark answered. "I seriously thought my blanket would be enough but guess not because I almost felt like I'm in freaking north pole or something."

"And so you decided to come here not to see me but for my heater? I thought you're romantic enough to come here and shower me with love first thing on the morning but turns out,I got cheated on by my fucking heater. I totally feel the love,sweetheart." Jinyoung jokingly sulked. He was lowkey happy that Mark came to him when he's facing troubles. Even if it's the heater.

"Oh please. We both know that you don't mind me coming over just for something else other than you. I'm warm instead of freezing my ass in my apartment so that's good." The older closed his eyes,enjoying the way Jinyoung's hair slid against his fingers smoothly without any tangles blocking the way while the younger enjoyed his presence. "You know,I think we should move to your bed or something because we look stupid."

Jinyoung snorted at that but lifted his head up anyways,letting Mark sit up. Standing up,Jinyoung help his boyfriend to do the same before they head to his bedroom with intertwined hands.

The younger thought that Mark would jump into bed and hide under the covers but the thought was destroyed when the older released his hand from his,dragging himself to Jinyoung's closet. In an instant,Jinyoung knew what would happen.

"Don't take the black one. I'm wearing it tomorrow. You should wear the blue one,it looks cute on you." Jinyoung hummed,already sitting on the edge of his bed,just taking in the view of his boyfriend rummaging through his closet for any hoodies. Mark refused to listen though because Jinyoung still caught Mark's hand reaching out for the said black hoodie. "Babe,no."

"Babe,yes. Now shut up. You can wear another one tomorrow. They all look good on you anyways." The brown haired man shrugged, putting the clothing on. The familiar cinnamon scent immediately filled his nostrils when the hoodie was fully on Mark's body. Due to Jinyoung having broader shoulders and a taller figure,his boyfriend's hoodies would only sag down pathetically,revealing most of his collarbone while the sleeves go over his fingers slightly.

Jinyoung likes it.

"Fine. I'll let it slide because I love you so much." Mark smiled at that before pushing Jinyoung flat onto the bed,crawling on top of him and sliding their legs together. Jinyoung felt Mark's lips on his for a short while before the latter was burying his face onto the crook of his neck. "Baby,we should at least go under the bedsheets. You're gonna get cold like that."

"Too lazy." Mark mumbled,his voice coming out a little muffled. "Give me a break. I ran all over here without any jacket or shit and waited for you to open the door. All of that under a harsh weather."

"To be fair,the first part is your fault." Jinyoung laughed,scooping Mark up in his arms before he got up,ignoring the protesting whines coming from his boyfriend. With some difficulty,he managed to get them both under the covers even with Mark biting his neck in revenge for moving.

"Are you dog or something?" The younger made a face.

"Dogs are adorable,mind you."

"Okay then. Come on,puppy. Let's sleep." Jinyoung petted the older's hair like he would do with an actual dog,earning him a scowl. "Just joking. Geez." Mark huffed at that before his arms went around Jinyoung's chest while his legs tangled around the younger's again,locking Jinyoung in place. The trapped man just let out a chuckle and surrendered to Mark's arms,his own going around his boyfriend hips. Sometimes,he feels like he's dating a certain animal and not a human.

Not long after,Jinyoung heard light snores just beside his ear where Mark's head was resting. A smile went up Jinyoung's face as he rubbed comforting circles on Mark's hips with his thumb. The younger glanced down to see that his boyfriend was indeed asleep with his lips puckering out slightly,resembling a pout. He knew Mark's a light sleeper but Jinyoung couldn't hold himself back from planting a peck on those pouty lips,making the older whine out.

"Go to sleep,Nyoung." Mark grumbled,tightening his hold on Jinyoung. To avoid being kissed again,he turned his neck completely so that he was basically suffocating in Jinyoung neck. It wasn't long until Mark was back in dreamland with the help of Jinyoung's quiet breathing as well as his comforting scent and comforting touch.

Sighing in content,Jinyoung placed a final kiss on Mark's temple before he closed his eyes,joining his boyfriend in sleeping. "Good morning then." Jinyoung whispered before finally knocking himself out with their arms around each other,both having small smiles on their faces.

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