Rumor(Promise Me That You Will)

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"Have you heard? Jinyoung likes Mark!"

Mark sighed as he heard the rumour for the fifth time that morning. He didn't know why people were making such a big deal out of this. Maybe because Jinyoung was a very popular student in school. Yeah,probably that. But Mark still didn't think it was something to fuss about. Liking someone is normal,no? They act like it was their first time hearing about someone liking another. Just because Jinyoung was popular,it didn't mean that had to gossip about like someone had died or something. As far as Mark knew,Jinyoung is still human like the rest of them. So,what's so special about this?

"Bitch,what do you mean by that?! The Park Jinyoung likes you!" Jackson gasped when Mark asked him that question. What's so special about Jinyoung liking someone? "I can't believe you're chill about this. Do you know how many girls line up for him? Even dudes! You're lucky yet you're ungrateful."

"Look,I never asked for this,okay? And so what? I don't like him,Jackson. You can't force me to like him when I don't. He can't either." Mark said sternly,walking ahead of Jackson who caught up to him with no difficulty. "And so what if he has tons of girls and boys kissing his feet? Doesn't mean I should be one of them too. I like someone because of who they are,not because of their popularity and their status. I give no shits about that."

Jackson grumbled at that but he knew he couldn't fight back. Mark was kinda right. But still,he wanted to try once more. His friend has been single his entire life and to have someone like him,was something he ain't letting go of. "How about you get to know Jinyoung then? You two don't really know each other so maybe hang out sometimes. That way,you'll get to know him and not just see him as his status. Give yourself a chance,Markie. It's not that bad."

Mark never answered but Jackson knew the boy was giving it some thoughts. That was already an improvement.

He and Jinyoung never really had any encounter with each other except for some small talks here and there that are caused by small accidents or just tasks given by teachers. That's...practically all. They never had a long conversation,never eaten at the same table,never held an eye contact longer than a split second,never shared a same circle of friends.

Basically,Mark sees Jinyoung as a school mate. Nothing more,nothing less.

So when Jinyoung confronted him after school in the deepest corner of the library,Mark had no idea what to think or say. Because of that,he never interrupted Jinyoung as the slightly younger boy was talking quietly with his soft voice but it was loud enough to reach Mark's ears. He understood the need of that since they're in a library and the students behind this book rack could easily hear their conversation if Jinyoung went a little louder than his current tone.

"I assume you heard the rumours going on today." Jinyoung started. "And as hard as it is to believe,it's true. I like you,Mark. Will you go out with me?"

Mark expected it. He had known what they'll talk about but he can't seem to plan an answer beforehand. He's stuck. He wanted to just say that he didn't like the younger in the same way but that would hurt him a lot. He could lie and accept Jinyoung but the truth will eventually come out and hurt him too. Mark didn't want to hurt Jinyoung. Jinyoung was nothing but a sweet and brave boy. Despite being popular,there was no sign of pettiness in him at all. A person like Jinyoung shouldn't deserve pain at all.

"You could just say no. I won't force you." Jinyoung smiled gently at him.

"I'm gonna be honest with you,Jinyoung." Mark finally spoke. "I don't like you the way you want me to but I can't really blame you for that fact or myself. We're not really close friends or anything. I don't know anything about you and that goes the same for you."

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