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Mark grips tightly onto the envelope and holds it against his chest as mixed feelings burst in his chest. He did suspect the end results but he didn't know he was spot on with it. Mark is currently clueless on what to do with the news but the most logical thing to do is,of course,pass it on to his lover. Mark's scared of his reaction though,would the younger support him or leave him because of it? Or worse,asking Mark to not go along with it? The brown haired could only hope that it would better be the first option and not the latter two.

When Mark got home,he hides the envelope in the bedroom where it wasn't visible before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner. He couldn't concentrate at all,mixed thoughts of negative and positive were all running through his mind. Halting his hand,Mark places the knife down before letting his hand rest on his stomach area,his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the shirt covered skin.

'If this ends up badly,it won't be anyone's fault but ours. We should have been more careful.' Mark thought,sighing to himself before picking the knife back up and continued where he left off.

The familiar sound of password being keyed in could be heard throughout the apartment yet it doesn't reached Mark's ears. It probably did but the man is too distracted with cooking and the newly founded news to even catch it. He doesn't even hear Jinyoung calling out for him numerous times until a tap on his shoulder snaps him out of it,startling Mark. Because of the sudden touch,Mark had accidentally cut his finger with the knife,a hiss escapes his lips and alerts his boyfriend.

"Shit,babe! I'm so sorry!" Jinyoung then rushes for a tissue and wrapped it around the bleeding wound,asking for Mark to hold it as he went to fetch the band aid.

Jinyoung comes back a moment later,taking ahold of Mark's injured finger as soft as could. Pulling the tissue away to reveal the wound,Jinyoung frowns yet thankful that it wasn't deep. Giving out a relieved sigh,Jinyoung wraps the band aid around the cut,making sure it stayed snug around the finger before placing a kiss on it. Mark chuckles at the small action,thanking his boyfriend.


The younger shakes his head at that. He then leans down and pecks Mark's temple before asking,"Are you okay? I have been calling for you a few times but you didn't answer me. Is something wrong,angel?" Jinyoung has a frown sketched onto his face,full of worry.

"Later,please. Dinner's almost done. Go wash up." Mark brushes Jinyoung's question off nervously,pleading the heavens that the younger would obey his wants. Sensing that Jinyoung wasn't backing down,Mark groans and pushes Jinyoung out of the kitchen,nagging him to wash up. "Go!" For fun,Mark pats Jinyoung's butt before returning to his cooking space,giggling at the whines and judging looks made by his younger boyfriend.

Making the final finishes of the dinner,Mark scoops up some rice and places it into two bowls carefully,avoiding using his injured finger as much as possible. Just then,a pair of arms wraps around his waist,close to his stomach region,making Mark flinch. It doesn't go unnoticed by Jinyoung who felt it beneath him so he lets go immediately with a confused expression.

"What's wrong,Mark?"

Mark clears his throat and hands the two bowls of rice over to Jinyoung,gesturing him to put it on the dining table. "Later. I promise. It's nothing bad."

"You won't flinch if it's nothing bad." Jinyoung mutters but complies anyways.

Mark smiles softly at Jinyoung's sharp senses before carefully lifting the pot that was filled with kimchi soup over to the table where Jinyoung was. When he sees the obvious sulking expression on Jinyoung's face,Mark lets out a laugh as he pinches his boyfriend's cheek. "Don't be salty. I will tell you later. For now,let's eat." Jinyoung continues to pout though. "Promise." Mark then assures.

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