Saved The Best Just For You

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Mark's two faced and Jinyoung's not going to deny that. The difference when they're alone and when they're with someone was just massive. When it was only them two,Mark acted like the cuddly bunny hybrid he was but when they're not,his hybrid boyfriend becomes a tsundere,if you will.

"Touch me one more time and I will bite that hand off. Don't test me,Park Jinyoung." Mark hissed,slapping the approaching hand away. Jinyoung forgot they were hanging out with their friends and out of habit,his hand was reaching out to place it on Mark's lap. Mark side eyed his human boyfriend and saw a pout formed on the younger's face so secretly,the hybrid intertwined their hands under the table,hiding the skinship from the outside world. Mark ignored the smile that Jinyoung gave to him beside him and just stared forward at nothing.

"How are you guys dating when Mark doesn't let Jinyoung touch him like he's got some disease or something?"Jaebum wondered,earning nods of agreement from their circle of friends. "Seriously,we have never seen you two kiss even once since you guys revealed that you're together and that was like a year ago. Can you believe it? One year and no exposed kisses even. Are you guys even dating?"

"Shut the hell up."Mark growled,grip on Jinyoung's hand tightening slightly. His bunny ears lowering down as he felt annoyance starting to sink in to him. "Don't say shit you have no fucking idea about."

"Babe,calm down."Jinyoung soothed. To be honest,he was angry as well that their friend had to doubt their relationship just because of the way they acted in public. They just can't grip the fact that every couple is different and unique. It was starting to piss Jinyoung off but he stayed calm so that it won't make things worse for his boyfriend. Jinyoung glared at Jaebum who immediately had both his hands in the air as he said,"Mark's right. If you don't know anything,don't assume it. If you're wondering,yes,we are together and we are very happy. Next topic."

Mark thanked his boyfriend by squeezing his hand. Jinyoung was understanding and he was thankful that the younger knew how to handle with his random outburst. Mark was never good at controlling his short temper. When alone,he was spoiled by Jinyoung and even though he knew it was bad,he likes it. Mark knows when to stop so it wasn't really something that should be avoided as long as he never cross the forbidden line. He had witnessed Jinyoung getting angry once and he never wanted to again,even if it wasn't directed towards him.

When they got together,Mark had asked for them to not act sweet in front of others because he wanted to only do it just for Jinyoung's eyes alone. He felt like it was special. A sweet and cuddly Mark just for Jinyoung and no one else while the others,they get a totally opposite Mark. A very cold and rude one because they don't mean as much to him like Jinyoung. Jinyoung chuckled when Mark told him the reason for his favour but he thought it was adorable so he let Mark did what he wanted. Besides,it was always worth it to come home with a cute little darling and cuddles after all the torture he went for not being able to show affection to his boyfriend. Jinyoung would always smother his hybrid boyfriend with kisses all over his face,feeling his heart explode with happiness when Mark giggles from the tickling sensation. Jinyoung never minded as long as he gets to do all his rejected affection on Mark when they're alone.

Like in this moment,when the couple was finally in their love nest,just cuddling on the bed. Mark was almost dozing off just by the way his ears was played with Jinyoung's long and slender fingers. He always loved it when Jinyoung does it. Suddenly,Mark wanted to ask something so he does,with a voice so small that Jinyoung could barely catch. "I have this stupid idea. How about we show them how I really act towards you to our friends tomorrow since they said I'm always to cold and mean to you?"

Jinyoung was surprised but he managed to not let it show as he asked,"Why so sudden,little bunny?" Mark then lifted his head off his boyfriend's chest and sat upright,already missing the way Jinyoung's touching his ears. The bunny hybrid stared at the human with big doe eyes that almost had Jinyoung melt onto the bed.

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