Love Champagne

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It has been a long time coming for the both of them. They both stared at each other with love in their eyes,hands shaking a little from the nervous feeling. It was a long journey for the both of them that was filled with both hot and cold but they could never ask for anything else. They appreciate the good that gave them smiles and are grateful for the bad that had made them strengthen their bond.

The couple couldn't help but think back about the past. How they met each other would never be erased from their mind,ever. They were both young and dumb,wanting to get drunk on a late Saturday night. And who would've thought that fate would disguise itself as a cheap champagne in a convenience store?

Mark groaned,finger carding through his hair in stress. He had just came back from a stressful day of college and all he wanted was to drop dead on his bed. But he couldn't sleep,his mind was too awake. He had a weak alcohol tolerance so a champagne would do the trick in knocking him off. Being a broke student,he walked to the convenience store sluggishly,sorta resembling the zombie from the stupid yet addicting game Yugyeom plays.

His eyes scanned around the store until it landed on the bottle. The last one. Maybe they were meant to be. This champagne was clearly waiting for him-

"Hey,this is mine." a voice said when Mark reached out for it.

Mark rolled his eyes,not wanting to deal with the bullshit any longer and so,he turned a deaf ear on the stranger,fingers wrapping around the bottle. Unfortunately for Mark,the stranger wasn't backing down anytime soon as he held onto his wrist as Mark started lifting it up. He tsked and glared at the other,hoping his dark circles made him looked scarier.

"I touched it first,asshole." Mark argued,trying to escape from the guy's hold.

"Well,I saw it first!" the raven haired guy huffed,only tightening the grip on Mark's wrist that he's almost sure it was gonna leave a bruise. Damn,man. This guy really gonna hurt him for a bottle of champagne.

A scoff left his lips as Mark hissed at him,still trying to free his wrist,"Let go,dumbass! Look,I just want to get alcohol in my system without some dude fighting me,okay? Now,fucking move your hand."

"How about no?" smirked the man, "Unless you're handing MY champagne over to me,this wrist will be mine to hold forever."

Mark deadpanned,a blank look taking over his furious one before,"Are you...flirting with me?"

The stranger took a moment to realise what Mark was implying before crimson rose to his cheeks. He spluttered out nonsense of denials,letting Mark's wrist go at the same time.

Mark sighed,rolling his eyes before turning his back on the other,proceeding to walk over to the counter while the raven haired was still rambling to no one. Just when he was about to hand the money over to the cashier,a hand snatched the bills away,making Mark groan out loud.

"Goddamnit,leave me alone!" Mark snapped,snatching his money back and slamming it on the counter before muttering,"Just keep the change."

He then stormed out of the convenience store with rushed footsteps,the bottle in his arms. He could hear the stranger calling out for him,even chasing behind him but Mark couldn't care less. He paid for it so it was his now,that guy can just go fuck himself. Besides,he just wanted to drink on his sofa while staring at the blank tv,thinking about life choices.

Mark loves races but he thought that maybe the only race he should've lost was the sperm race from his father's dick to his mother's womb. If he had lost and died from the exposure of air,maybe he won't be in this situation right now.

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