Cause Of My Euphoria

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A familiar face appeared on screen as he adjusted the angle of the camera before taking a sigh and sitting back on his bed. Jinyoung put on a smile for the camera and with a cheerful but calm vibe,he then started his intro.

"Hi,guys. Welcome back to my vlog channel. If you're new here,my name is Jinyoung." Jinyoung gave an awkward wave to the camera before continuing. Usually,he'd take his time but today was different. He had to pick up his boyfriend for a date in about twenty minutes and he planned to do something during their date. The audience needed to know but the plan gotta get out there as quick as possible. "So,let's get straight to the point because um,well I'm gonna be late if I don't. Mark doesn't mind but I rather not."

All the while Jinyoung was talking,he was also busy stuffing his needs into his bag before taking the camera from the tripod and filming himself,his feet working quick on heading out the door. Tossing his bag into the backseat without a care,Jinyoung started the car engine and propped his camera up and took off. He knew his boyfriend was totally fine with him being late by a few minutes but he never wanted to make his lover wait so he always tried to make the effort to be there before their intended time.

"Alright,we're heading to Mark's apartment now. Meanwhile,I'll tell you guys what I'm gonna do today. To my sweet boyfriend," the thought of Mark just managed to make the corners of Jinyoung's lips lift up magically. Never failed. "Believe it or not,we've been dating for five years now and I actually have not called Mark by a pet name before,like most couples out there. I think the most I got was just calling him without hyung,like always because Mark asked me to drop it since we're dating. It was hard to even throw the habit away but for his sake and for mine,excuse me for my breaking heart every time he sulks,I managed."

Jinyoung leaned in slightly to check his surroundings before making a turn. He stopped his talk for a moment to focus on the road. And when he reached the red light,he pulled the brake and continued spilling his plan with a fond smile.

"Anyways,let's continue. As I said earlier,I have never called Mark with any endearments so basically,I'm gonna do it today and see his reaction. I'm very nervous since I'm not that type of guy who could just simply spill out a 'babe' so easily. Heck,I can't even say those three words to my lover of five years. Don't worry,guys. He knows I love him. I make sure of it." Just in time,the red light turned green,signalling a go and Jinyoung was back to being silent. If he were to upload this video and Mark found out he hasn't been focusing on driving,he'll be nagged and ignored for a good ten minutes. He wouldn't want that. The thought of his boyfriend not looking at him intentionally filled Jinyoung with dread.

But even when he's not talking and his eyes seemed to be on the road,Jinyoung's mind was messed up. He was nervous that he'd messed up and the endearment just wouldn't slip through his lips. Mark has always been the one who used these cringey names,not that Jinyoung mind even when he judged him sometimes. It always makes his heart flutter.

He hoped he would carry out his plan perfectly,not for the camera but for his boyfriend. Jinyoung's very sure Mark had always wanted him to call him by any endearment at least once. Sure,he never seemed to mind but Jinyoung had caught some moments where Mark had the look of slight envy whenever they were on a double date with their friends who were all over each other,even pet names. Jinyoung would never go to that extent though. Their friends were just....another level. It wasn't cute anymore. It was pure disgust.

The ride to Mark's house seemed shorter than usual. Maybe it was because of the worries in Jinyoung's head. Relaxing in his seat,he pulled out his phone and texted his boyfriend that he's here. Even when his head was surrounded with clouds,he managed to throw them away when he saw Mark happily approaching his car with his loving smile. Jinyoung chuckled at his boyfriend's little shy attitude when he opened the car door. How Mark still managed to carry a hint of shyness throughout their five year long relationship was beyond the younger.

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