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Sounds of rustling bed sheets could be heard as Jinyoung kept rolling around on the bed,trying to force himself to dreamland but apparently,that wasn't happening any moment for the boy. He sighed and laid on his back, his eyes fixed on the white ceiling above him. Jinyoung started tapping his finger on his chest,counting numbers in his head,thinking that it would be a good way to fall asleep. It frustrated him that it wasn't working.

He sighed and sat up, looking around until his gaze landed on the wall that separated his room with another that belonged to a special someone of his. Jinyoung grinned and got off his bed,wincing a little at the sudden contact of the cold marble floor. Twisting the door knob slowly, he cursed under his breath at the creaking noises it made from the rust it had. Then, he pushed it open and let himself out of his room before shutting his door as quiet as possible.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he took a three steps away from his room and he was facing another door again. He placed his ear against the door and heard nothing so Jinyoung knew that the room's owner was fast asleep. Who wouldn't at 4am in the morning? Well,Jinyoung of course.

Repeating the same procedure as a few moment ago, he got in safely without the creaking noises like earlier. He saw a lump laying on the bed,soft and gentle breathing could be heard. Smiling softly at the sight of his boyfriend cuddling into his blankets, he tiptoed towards the bed.

Jinyoung froze when the lump started moving but breath out in relief when it continued staying in slumber. He lifted up the blankets and slid himself under the covers,pulling them up until it reached his shoulders. He then circled his arms around the smaller body, feeling it slowly snuggle into his side.


"Go back to sleep,Mark."

"Hmm. You too."

And Jinyoung did. Finally.


The same thing happened the next night. Jinyoung laying on his bed,trying to let sleep take over him. Except this time, instead if him visiting Mark's room, the said boy came into his room. Without saying anything, the older joined him on his bed, resting his head on Jinyoung's neck.

"Why are you here?" the younger asked,carding his fingers through Mark's silky and messy hair.

"Because I know you can't sleep again and I saved you the trouble of sneaking into my room like some stupid ass ninja on a mission." Mark sleepily answered, looking up at Jinyoung with half opened eyes.

"I'm sorry but I really can't fall asleep these days." Jinyoung sighed, his head laying on top of the other's. "It happened before in middle school but it improved a lot eventually. So, I don't really know what's the reason I can't sleep."

"You can sleep with me beside you though." Mark whispered into Jinyoung's ear. The younger shivered a little at the hot breath hitting his skin before nodding. "It's fine to come to me whenever you can't fall asleep. Plus,it's cold these days and you're warm so it's a win-win situation for both of us."

Jinyoung hummed in reply and buried his face into Mark's fluffy hair,placing a short peck on the crown of the older's head. "Did I ever say how lucky I am to have you?"

"No but you don't need to. I know how you feel and I feel the same way too. That's what boyfriends are for right? Staying by each other's sides when we're facing some shitty problems."


"Now,sleep. I know it's working,your voice is getting lower."Mark pointed out,his eyes already close,ready to welcome sleep anytime soon. He realised that every time Jinyoung was sleepy,his voice would get lower and he thought it was an adorable charm of his boyfriend.

"Love you,baby."

"Love you too."

Jinyoung just chuckled and shut his eyes close. He was getting more drowsy as time went by,hearing Mark's soft breathing helped as well. And soon,he had gone deep into slumber.


Jinyoung woke up when he felt someone drawing circles on his chest. It tickled him slightly that it brought a soft smile to his face. "Good morning,sleepy head." he heard Mark's soft voice said to him. He groaned and pulled the other closer. "Had a good sleep?"

"Yeah. One of the best I might say." Jinyoung muttered into the crook of Mark's neck before peppering kisses along the skin.

"Glad to hear that. Anyways,we need to get ready. We have a schedule." Mark said,even though his eyes were still shut close.

"Five more minutes."

"Yeah no. You know how Jaebum gets."

Jinyoung sighed and got up,pulling Mark along with him. "Fine but shower with me. We can save time and water."

Mark scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully,"Yeah sure. Pretty sure we'll end up doing the opposite."

"I don't hear you rejecting the offer." Jinyoung smirked and wrapped his arms around the other's waist.

"Because I didn't." Mark smiled too innocently and leaned in to crash his lips against the other's.

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